Crazed Possession

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Y/n sits quietly against the cozy window seat in her room, gazing at the outside world covered in a white blanket of snow

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Y/n sits quietly against the cozy window seat in her room, gazing at the outside world covered in a white blanket of snow.

It's snowing again today.

She remembers constantly asking Jimin if she could go outside to play and he would always tell her he would take her himself once she got better. She remembers the puppy eyes she used to pass him, but there was always one of the boys present to ground Jimin before he could helplessly fall victim to her doe eyes.

It's been almost a month since she woke up, and she has spent more than half of it recovering from the claw marks left on her neck the night she fainted. And just when she started to feel better, her heat knocked chaos on her doorstep.

Her heat has subsided by now and her mind has turned numb. For once, Y/n is grateful for the blankness plaguing her thoughts. Her omega has also gone completely quiet in the back of her head, and Y/n cannot sense her presence anymore.

If she had even a bit of sense remaining in the darkness of her thoughts, she would have started getting anxious about the absence of her wolf.

But she cannot bring herself to care anymore.

The only words that constantly echo in her head are the heavy, ruthless voice of the woman in the corner of her room, the one who calls herself by Y/n's name, telling her Jimin is not her mate.

She calls her a fool. A worthless omega who could not sense her original mate even once while living under the same roof with him for a whole year now.

She moved back to her room from Jimin's the day before yesterday. And she is kind of relieved that Jimin has not once come back to his room over the past two days. She knows he's keeping his distance after she asked him to. He would never want to make her uncomfortable.

She has long blocked out her connection from him. So she can't feel his emotions or hear his voice in her head. But she can hear him breathing. And it tells her he's mostly absent from the house.

Jin has told her he's keeping himself busy with his alpha duties and spends most hours in his office with his assistants. And when he does come home, Y/n can only tell by the pattern of his breathing.

The house is drenched in the scent of her heat and distress, or she would smell his blueberries from a mile away. So this is the only way she can keep track of his movements. There are times when he forgets to breathe, growing stone cold for an unnerving amount of hours before someone gently reminds him to let it out.

She can't help but feel anxious and worried for him. He's the reason she breathes, after all. She can't change that.

Today is the fourth day of her heat, and usually, they go till day six until the fever starts to dull down. But seeing how everything turned out this year, she doesn't know which way they will go. She can already feel the difference in the haziness in her mind.

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