Lip Balm and Kisses

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The world was forgotten around them, everything a blur but themselves as they felt themselves too real.

Bodies were flush against each other, head spinning with the touch of euphoria as their lips molded perfectly in a feather touch.

The kiss was soft, his hands were gentle around her and hers around him. For the months of pent up desire their wolves had for each other, the human in them took small steps into the intimacy, almost teasing their wolves by refusing to devour each other.

But this moment was not for them.

It was for Jimin and Y/n only.

The phase of upsetness and distress has lead them to run towards each other and made them break down into each other arms.

This was not just a kiss shared in between two soulmates out of love and lust, it was them comforting each other, letting them know that they were here for the other by pulling each other impossibly close.

And it has succeeded in calming  both of them down.

Her fingers send him melting down her body, while one was hooked on his neck, the other runs her small fingers into the back of his neck, into his little hair, the same area where she had put her hands before the same day and made him think of their touch all the time.

Their lips were inexperienced, being the first time to ever touch another pair but as each second pass, they learn all the little curves of other's lips.

His plump lips covered more than just her mouth, her small feature making him explore every curve of her lips. That send shivers down his spine.

He never thought he'll be able to feel her this deep. He had always imagined how much soft her lips would be, but now that he was finally feeling them, he can't help  but trace every part of her and this moment in to his head.

The slow yet long moment ended when they both finally pulled away from each other, a soft voice of lips detaching from each other echoing around them.

Jimin rest his forehead against her, both chests raising and falling from the lack of breath as they still kept their eyes closed, wanting to feel each second that went by.

Her hands fists his shirt on his shoulders, mind glazed over in daze as she felt her knees starting to shake.

As if sensing her difficulty to keep herself standing, Jimin close his arm further around her, a soft breathy chuckle escaping him.

Both's cheeks were flush red, the blood going warm around their cheeks and entire body at so much caress and affection from its mate.

Everything dimmed around them, furiously beating heart slowly coming to a normal pace as they stayed in the same position.

However, the peace did not take much time to run away when clearing of throats were heard from the door.

Both flinch and Y/n immediately pulls away from him, not giving him much time to pull her back in.

Both instantly felt empty and cold. Directing their gaze up at the one who has interrupted, they found a wide doe eyed Jungkook staring back at them.

His shoulders were tense, clearly showing his discomfort at the thought of disturbing them.

"Umm..." He trails off. "Did i interrupt?" He gulps.

"N-no.... Do you need something?" Y/n questions, racking a hand through her hair to provide her beet red ears some much needed air.

Jimin glance at her, hands twitching as he resists the high urge to pull her towards him again. Someone just had to interrupt them.

Jungkook stares at them for some seconds, eyes wondering and maybe picking up at the situation that happened between the pair, especially when his eyes lingered over Jimin's shining lips.

No doubt the shine was from a lip balm, and Jimin never wears lip balm. It was known fact among the friends.

Jimin nibbles at his bottom lips, his slick tongue licking the balm inside his mouth.

His taste buds enlighten with the smell of strawberries and his jaw clinched.

There is no doubt the taste of her will be with him for a while and also company him at nights where he would lay in his bed and think over Today's happenings.

"Hyung.. your father is asking for you." Jungkook informs, still standing awkwardly in the door frame.

Y/n watch as the male's head perks up at the call of his father.

He nods without a words and pass Y/n a last glance before turning towards the door.

Y/n bit her lips, regretting it the second moment when she still felt his lips lingering on hers. She watch as Jimin took some steps towards the door and before he was fully out, she opens her mouth and speaks.

"Jimin." Her whisper had the male tensing up in his way, her voice sounding so sweet calling his name that it made his whole body burning hot again.

Will she call him like this too, in a different moment, in a totally different position, where he will be hovering over her and she'll squirm and melt away beneath him?

He turn his head around at her in question.

"Can i come too? I want to meet him." She asks, hopefully eyes staring at him.

How could he say no when she was being like this?

A small smile welcome his face. "Of course." He turns towards her again and stares at her adoringly.

The female flush at his stares and direct her eyes down when he raise his hand in front of her.

She glance at his face again and then behind him at Jungkook who was also smiling radiantly at her.

Her lips also twitches in one and she raise her hand to rest it over his.

His fingers hugs hers and he gently tug them towards the door.

Y/n sighs. 'Today is just so full of events.'


Who knew a kissing scene can be this stressing?😧😧 but I, one of the greatest and bravest author has succeeded this mission 😎😄

Hopefully you'll like this scene. I know it wasn't detailed. Trust me when i say this, i am VERY detailed with these types of scenes. You'll know in the future chapters.

This scene is filled with emotions and both are feeling upset, adding details would ruin the scene and also would divert the attention.

Leave alott of love in your way.


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