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Y/n enters thought the kitchen door and halts the second moment she's faced with two broad shoulders who's owner was walking around the counter, cooking.

She stares before hurriedly walking up to the male. "Jin-shii, What are you doing?"

Jin turns his head around and pass her a smile. "Cooking."

"You are our guest. Let me." Y/n reach her hand out towards the spatula he was using to stir the cooking pot but the male resists by pulling the object away from her.

"Let me do it today, Y/n. There is not even a single moment i have seen you resting."

Y/n sighs, dropping her shoulders. "I can't let you do this. At least let me help."

Letting a guest work was not just against her parents laws but the pack too.

Werewolves were not just strick on their rules but they were also known for serving their guest the best.

Jin glance at her before nodding.  "Help me by slicing those vegetables."

Y/n hums and walk up to the already washed material and started slicing them.

"I must say Y/n, you have great  taste in your hands." Jin compliments, adding red chilli pepper into the pot that he had already chopped.

The woman smile slightly. "Thank you. Oppa said you are also good at cooking."

Jin chuckles at that. "Good, he said? I'm the best."

Y/n purse her lips to stop herself from giggling.

'Well...that's something.'

"Honestly saying, little hope. You have a good control and grip over yourself and the people that are attached to you. Jimin has a great challenge to look after in the future." Jin glance at her, amusement immediately filling his eyes when she roughly chops into the carrot at the mention of her mate.

"You really don't like him, huh." He chuckles.

Y/n sighs, stopping her chopping session to turn to the male. "There is no feeling on that. I don't like him, neither do i hate him."

Jin stares right back at her, nodding his head slowly as he fully acknowledge her. "Smart girl."

"Indeed." A voice diffuses from behind and reflects from the walls towards their ears.

Y/n mood fully drops at the presence, yet she felt her wolf's nose twitching at the smell of blueberries that comes inside with the person.

She turns around and finds her oh so graceful mate smiling at her in amusement. "I'm sure the feeling are matual."

Jimin hums, pretending to think for a second before suddenly smiling. He leans away from the door and walk up to her, stuffing both his hands inside his jeans pocket. "Almost. But i like you a little bit more."

Y/n tilts her head and smile sarcastically at him. "That's a huge pleasure from the alpha."

"You should be, little wolf. I hold a big place." Jimin helds his head high.

"You should be too. You're gifted with a species that is more rear than an alpha, like yourself." Y/n walks closer to him.

Jimin clinch his jaw, yet continues to smile. "A rear species that has an end choice of only a beta. How shameful."

"Shameful it is to be greedy. My brother still holds more respect and orders than you."

"Just kiss already." Jin grins from the side, head held between his hands as he rest himself on the counter.

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