Strange friend

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Y/n yawns, a hand rubbing the howering sleep out of her eye as the other held a glass under the cooler which poured out water for her.

Her hair was a mess, black shorts drowned in the sea of her cream colored oversized sweater, making her look like she wasn't wearing anything underneath while one of her shoulder was exposed to the air, showing off her black bra strap.

She knew really well that she looked extremely unbearable at the moment and stepping out of her room in that state, especially in the presence of male guests, was not a good idea.

But did she care?

Nop! Not at all!

'Screw them all! This is my house.'

"I will advice you to not wear something like that in the presence of so many men in the house." A voice speaks up from behind, making her flinch in her place.

She holds the glass of water tighter in her palm and turns around to look at the culprit.

The male smiles, arms crossed over his chest as his body was leaned on the wall next to the kitchen door.

Y/n blinks in bewilderment. "What?"

Taehyung shakes his head, discarding her question by greeting her while leaning away from the wall. "Morning to you too, sunshine."

Y/n furrow her brows in confusion, watching as his figure starts to walk towards her.

She swear she saw his eyes lingering over her.

She takes a step back when he keeps on stepping closer, eyes slowly widening at his decrease of distance while looking so unbothered.

He grins when he senses her body backing away and it makes him to keep moving further.

Just as he's close enough to touch his body with hers, he stops and reach out his hand behind her.

Y/n's breath hitch due to his close proximity and she feels him grabbing something from the shelf behind her.

Her hands fist tightly on her sides, backing herself away from his reach.

She don't know what is happening, nor as to why he's acting like this, but all she's getting from him is uncanny eerie vibes.

She haven't even met him or any of Hoseok's friends to be this friendly with them and for them to get this close to her.

'Do all the male who are deprived from a female presence for so many years act like this?'

She knows for a fact that the alpha training academy was only organized for males. These boys probably have not seen or interacted with a female for seven years to be this mischievous around them.

They sure are thirsty.

'Just like someone.' She almost rolls her eyes at the thought of her certain mate.

However, this man sure does takes his time on taking things but thankfully he pulls away.

He shows her the small bowl and a spoon he has just taken and finally moves away from her and walks towards the refrigerator.

Y/n only inhales when he's far away from her, the soreness in her throats now stretching too much for her to satisfy them with just a glass of water.

She needs air. Fresh air.

"I'm quite surprised actually." Taehyung pours the cereal into the milk filled bowl. "You calm Hobi hyung down really easily last night"

Y/n rise a brow. "Is it suppose to be hard?"

Taehyung chuckles, nodding his head. "You tell me. He wasn't like that in the academy. Not until he got here...."

His last sentence was a whisper, making it seem as if he didn't want her to hear it but he purposely said it loud so that they could hit her eardrums.

'This man is so weird...' She bits the inside of her lips, placing down the filled glass of water on the counter, she starts to skip out of the kichen.

To be in the suffocating presence of this male is the last thing she wanted to do.

His act might have been not that bold, but his whispering words and lingering eyes made her feel uncomfortable even inside her own skin.

"You're leaving." His raspy voice makes her halt hallways in her step and a shiver wents down her spine when she turns at look at him.

He was smiling and it almost reach his cheeks, but his eyes made her freeze.

They were wide open, staring at her as if she was something precious, something so delicate to break.

He almost looked crazy.

She gulps, the silence piercing through her body like sharp pins.

She couldn't move, nor speak.

She felt paralyzed.

For the first time, she was scared.

She wanted to walk out, to get herself out of the sudden dark aura that was now lingering around the whole kichen.

And as if the moon goddess has listened to her silent prayers, the door of the kitchen slides open, welcoming her one and only mate inside the walls of the warm residence.

Y/n snaps her head towards the door, her breath releasing itself from deep inside her throats in relief.

Jimin looks up from the ground as he enters, his eyes shifting from Taehyung to Y/n.

He stops his gaze on her, orbs darkening immediately as it linger down her red cheery plump lips, to her pale delicate shoulder blades.

The sight of her black strip peeking out proudly from her sweater and the way her exposed thighs softly press against each other almost makes him groan in delight.

Is she trying to tease him? If yes, then it is working really well.

He feels his body getting warmer, a shiver going down his spine to the shapes of butterflies inside his stomach and then further down right in between his legs.

He bits his lips, shamelessly checking her out.

Y/n scrunch up her face, a feeling of disgust lumping in her throats.

She runs a hand through her hair, fully forgetting about the sitting male who was still staring at her with the same expression.

She walks past Jimin, making sure to not touch anything of him as she skips out of the door in utter disgust and disturbance.

'What is wrong with them?'

She keeps walking towards her door, wanting nothing more than to just drawn herself in the dozens of cloths.

Just as she's close enough to touch her door handle, she feels her body being jerked backwards.

A gasp leaves her lips, instinct caught completely off guards to move away when she feels her back hitting the wall.

"Where do you think you're going, puppy?" The voice rasps out close to her face as the unknown male roughly push his body into hers.


So......yeah! 😅

Kim Taehyung is giving me chills in every one of my stories. I'm still digging the blood sweat and tears Taehyung.

Leave some love in your way.


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