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Taehyung stood next to the furthest wall of the room, the door only being shut when Y/n and Jungkook left the room a minute ago. Silence had taken over and the bitter candy smell of medicine that was once taken over by the light honey scent from Y/n had come to diffuse all over the room again when she was no longer here.

Jimin held in a wince as he felt his surroundings cold and lonely. He just woke up after god knows how long and wished for his mate to be by his side. But he also understood the importance of this moment.

He had to talk to Taehyung about everything that was going on around them.

"We were worried.." The deep baritone voice of the other male hit his eardrums.

Jimin turned to face him, eyes reading the clear emotions of concern and softness that swirled around the dark irises of his friend's eyes. It had been awhile since Taehyung had showed him such raw emotions.

Jimin himself had his face mellow and figure hunched. He looked far from what you call a dominant alpha right now. Taehyung missed being around a relaxed and calm Jimin. That was how he used to be when he was with him.

"I know." Jimin breaths out with a soft voice, shifting his straightened legs.

Taehyung's eyes follow his movement and a sigh escapes him afterwards. He leans away from the wall he was resting on and unfolds his arms as he started to slowly amble towards the sitting male. He came to a stop behind the single chair resting on Jimin's bedside and around the wood to seat himself on it.

Jimin watched him as he did that and noticed the way Taehyung started to bounce his leg up and down. That was what he did when he was nervous.

"I know I worried you alot and hurt you with my actions." Taehyung states, linking eyes with Jimin. "But I won't apologize. I had reasons and every right to act the way I did and you are aware of that."

Every rights, he said.. Jimin knew that Taehyung indeed had every right to act like he had been for the past few months. Yes, the man had hurt him and worried him a lot and at first, Jimin had his reflexes on high, worrying every moment that something might happen and he'll lose the only hope the gods had bestowed upon him. But he had faith in his haste to keep what was his, he forgot to tend to his friend's feelings.

"I wasn't expecting one either." Jimin states back, anger that used to surround him had left his side and he looked calm. He felt calm.

He didn't need an apology. If Taehyung was being an asshole all this time then Jimin was also being an asshole.

"I'm glad you're back." Taehyung's soft whisper reached Jimin's ears and a tease of a smile quivered the side of the smaller man's lips.

"Can't imagine a life with you not in it. Never have and never will." The sincerity of the taller man's words had Jimin chuckling, his heart warming up at the soft look on his friend's face.

He missed this.

"Oh my alien." Jimin sighs softly, a smile gracing his lips.

Taehyung couldn't help but smile back at the reminder of his nickname.

"Yes, my tiny pinky friend."


Jungkook fidgets in his chair, legs shaking up and down rapidly. "They must have broken each others necks by now." He gnaws his bottom lip between his bugs bunny teeth. His eyes trail over the closed door the two friends are currently in.

"I think we should check." He bounces up on his feet but is soon stopped by a hand wrapping around his wrist.

He turned to face the female who sat next to him on her own single chair.

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