Little wolf

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Sighing, Y/n finish pulling her hair up into a ponytail, not giving much effort to the task really, before reluctantly exiting the comforts of her bedroom.

After the little moment her wolves shared in the midst of the forest, she surprisingly found herself giving in to his soothing dark eyes that were telling she it was time to go home.

She grimace at the memory, face scrunching slightly at how she just simply obliged without a word, submitting to him like a little pup who's still in need of a parent's guidance which is so unlike her.

Just as she's about to take the last turn that'll eventually lead her to the livingroom, she draws back from her little trance when Vi appears from the corner with bloodshot eyes.

Her fingers curled into fists as she gently rubs her eyes, faint sobs escaping her and Y/n instantly approach her with a worried look. "Vi, what wrong?"

The five year old doesn't answer her, her body just lunching in to attack her in a tight embrace when she has crouched down to her level.

She's still crying, her wet tears meeting the bare of her neck as she stand up. With her hand gently soothing her back in hopes to at least get the little to relax and tone down a bit, the elder female resume back on her track and finally made it to the livingroom.

A lump abruptly forms in her throat, stomach slightly dancing when her eyes falls on the figure sitting on one of the couches.

He's there, conversing with their father over something serious judging by the expressions they had on.

They don't realize the female's presence only until Vi decide it was time to calm down and she instantly jumps in Y/n's hold as a sign to let her down.

"Unnie." She whines in a not so little sound, not that Y/n was planning to eavesdrop or anything.

And soon enough, two pair of eyes are planted on her.

One of them makes her shiver, contrast to the one her father sends her.

"Ah, Y/n." Her father smiles before gesturing her to come closer, Vi all long gone heading to only god knows where.

"I'd like you to meet the son of a good of friend of mine."


Aside from feeling a bit relieved about him not revealing the whole being-his-mate-thing, Y/n can't really help the disappointment flashing her veins though.

"This is my daughter, Y/n." Her old man chimes too excitedly for her comfort, before gesturing towards the male.

"And this young man's the next alpha. Jimin."

Well cruds. Is that how Hoseok got to know him?

At the Alpha Training Center?

A fake smile stretches across &
Y/n's face as she acknowledge him with a polite bow.


If the heavens didn't think it bothered her at all when they finally decide to drop in the package of her-not-so-wanted mate, finding out he's a soon-to-be alpha is another.

She's not ready for any of this.

Jimin smiles at her, not the really friendly type though.

It's as if he's forcing himself to show off a charm for the sake of her father.

"Pleasure to meet you, Y/n." His voice's silky as they brush pass her ears, a little bit strained for some reason and the look in his eyes' totally the opposite to what he's trying to flaunt out.

An obnoxious clap from her dad steals her attention and Y/n swiftly turn to face him.

His hands are clasped together in front, a wide grin in full display.

"I'll leave you kids to it. Get to know each other." He inquires before quickly passing the both and eventually disappearing up the flight of stairs.

When he's gone, the male besides her speaks up "Okey, lets get one thing straight here." He starts off and Y/n can only quirk her brow to what he has to say.

His eyes held bluntness in them, the fake smile from earlier vanishing his lips and it almost looks like he doesn't care at all.


"I'm not ready for a mate."

If only he knew that rush of relief relinquishing her whole body then no doubt would he be strucked with surprise.

Honestly, a part of her is happy he doesn't want a mate, but the other part makes her wanna curl into a tight fetus and pour her heart out in agony.


And to think he was the same wolf who chased after her like she was the only thing that mattered.

"Okey." She respond tightly, holding her unwavering gaze at him. "Then let's end it here. Right now."

There's a moment of silence that seeps around the room when her words finally sinks in. 

It catches him off guard and one can easily tell how surprised he is just by the looks of his face.

His shoulders' tense, eyes widening as they peer through her own before they drastically and almost instinctually fall.

She was being serious, and that doesn't go unnoticed at all.

Jimin's now glaring at her with clenched fists, his jaw constricting to the point where Y/n Can literally feeling her whole body burning with heat beneath his immense stare.

What's he glaring for now?

She's actually making this a whole lot easier for him bringing this solution up. If he doesn't want a mate, then it's better to put an end to this before it's too late.

She take in a deep breath, getting ready to spill those very words forming the pit of her throat.

Jimin immediately notices this.

"I, Jung Y/n-"

She can't finish her words.


Cause Jimin's now clasping her mouth with his manly hand and his arm is around her waist.

He suddenly jerks her body to press hard against him that way their faces are only a few centimeters apart.

Y/n widen her eyes, and he silently scoffs, unamused.

"You're an idiot, my little wolf. A complete idiot."


Okay park Jimin okay!

But let's not forget he has this side of him too.

You're a little mochi and we all know that really well!

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You're a little mochi and we all know that really well!

Leave some love in your way!


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