Kookie monster

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Jungkook rests himself next to his fellow alpha, smiling in greet when the male turns to him.

"Are you bored or are you just bored?" The little one questions, swinging his leg in unison with the elder male.

The male next to him scoffs, pretending to be offended. "I am actually always bored here."

Jungkook tilts his head to him, raising a brow as he smiles playfully at the elder. "Believe it or not hyung, we all know you love being here. Especially close to Y/n."

The male purse his lips to hide any emotion that passes his face at the mention of his mate and instead, works on rolling his eyes. "Who knew i'll be such an open book when it comes to her."

Jungkook chuckles, nodding his head as his eyes wrinkles adorably from the corners of his eyes.

If he weren't born in the family of the greatest of alpha's, his other choice would probably have been in a bunnies hut.

I mean, the man looks just like a copy of a rabbit.

"You might be forgetting even King Kang ripped his heart out of his chest at the wish of his lawful mate. He was what you call the definition of whipped." Jungkook recalls the great old story they all have heard since young and fragile and Jimin smiles lightly at the thought of himself ripping his own heart out of his ribcage at the wish of Y/n.

Will he do that? He's not quite sure at the moment.

"Hyung." Jungkook's voice breaks him out of his thoughts and Jimin instantly notices the seriousness that lingers in his voice now.

He hums, turning his head to the youngest to give him the attention he seeks for.

"Y/n is... right in many of her reasons. What i did not expect from you was the worse approach you did towards her in the beginning. She's really smart. She would have understood your reasons if you told them to her."

Jimin listens, eyes not blinking as he remembers all the moment from the start. The horror that filled her pretty gaze the moment she lifted her gaze to meet his for the first time till the moment she ran off, thinking she'll be safe if she's away from him.

The female just needed freedom, the right to decided for herself. And that is what Jimin did not want her to do.

He was her mate and the alpha at that. He wanted her near him, not away from him.

"I fully understand what you were expecting, Gguk. But life turned upside down for me too when she ran off. At the moment, i just decided that was the best approach."

An amused laugh leaves the younger's lips and Jimin turn to see him shaking his head in disbelief. "No hyung. That was not the case, that was never the case. You knew you'll have her in your possession. You just wanted revenge. Don't name the filth inside you for Hoseok hyung the hatred you have for her freedom." His words were quite harsh, spitted even as his brows furrow in an angry arch.

Jimin watch in amusement at the scene, his cheeks swallowing up in a smile he was trying hard to control.

Did he appeared selfish at the moment? Yes. But did the words spitted by the younger hurt him? Yes. Definitely.

Jimin tires to pray the situation off, rolling his now dropping shoulders up to appear unbothered. "You know nothing, Ggu--"

"I know everything." Jungkook cuts him off immediately, causing the elder to bit his lips. "What is wrong with us? We were not like this. We were never like this, from the beginning. You even turned your back on Tae hyung. Had a fight in the middle of the forest with Hobi hyung when no one knew. Do you realize how upset Y/n will get after finding that out. She'll dislike you even more."

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