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Basic Layout
Delyra is a large country with many biomes. Along the southern border land is very dry as there is dessert south of the border.

The Cross Mountain Range runs from the south eastern tip of the country at a northwestern angle across nearly 2/3 of the country.

The Arpal Mountains run along most of the northern border crossing it a few times.

Between these mountain ranges there are swatches of plush forests. To the west and below the Cross Range you will find more plains and hills.

Weather varies greatly between the north and southern half. The north half gets heavy snows in the winter and experiences all four season while the south is much more tame and very rarely will see snow.

One family has been in charge of Delyra since the country established itself. The current rulers are King Merek and Queen Luize.

The eldest son at 25 will select a wife from all eligible maidens in the country and take the throne.

However this generation there have been some issues. The eldest daughter, Princess Cherry, will be taking the throne after her selection.

The husband or wife selected will be taught how to be royalty and given some power though generally they will work as a pair. If there is an argument the royal blood child will have final say over a policy.
Usually they select a court of experts called advisors who will help them in properly running the country. These Advisors may only give help through word or can be trusted to take on certain tasks such as dealing with taxes or other routine things that do not require the monarch's attention. Occasionally siblings are entrusted to the roles as well such as Cherry using her brother to help her with domestic relations.

Cherry is the Queen. She has a page.

Their laws are enforced by punishment. The laws are clearly stated when released and some physical copies of them exist. Punishments often come in the form of jail time, fines (possibly in the form of blood) or death.

Smaller villages may form their own sort of government using leaders or elders. Due to the monarchs complete control of Delyra there may be stationed officers or high ranking individuals but provinces and cities do not have their own government.

Market / Economy
Characters make money through jobs. This is the medieval era so many jobs are hard labor. Mines in Delyra always need extra hands. Slowly they are industrializing and mass production will lead to a new slew of jobs soon. Farming is also a job worth a lot in the current food shortage. Those with magic can sell their skills. The military is also a common place to go for those physically or magically advanced.
Money is used there as in the real world. Buy food, clothes, and other comforts as well as taxes. Blood is provided by the government at a base level if you pay your taxes however those who need or desire extra can buy it from stores.
Money is traded in coins of different color/material.
Classified by their material "this dress is worth five silver"

Slavery was outlawed by Cherry grandmother about 90 years ago (her father was born surprisingly late into the marriage). Humans and hybrids had been enslaved until about 300 years ago when humans were freed but not hybrids. Mostly due to pressure from Occuri to the west.

The military is run like most countries. One can join ny their own will. It comes with pay and benefits. Delyra is considered one of the safest militaries due to their employment of mages. You are almost guaranteed to have a healer in the field if you ever go to war. Magic is highly valued there as well.

Class Rankings

Social classes are existent though they are not firm. They are dependent mostly on wealth and education though some on jobs. The highest class is of course royalty followed closely by her advisors and others in her court. Military officials may be considered as high as they are or a step below. Then the rich commoners and military. Middle class commoners. Poor commoners.
Their lifestyles are different though that is mostly due to the money they have. The higher class have nicer items and more power through their money. And the opposite for the poor.
The social classes are able to be changed so there is not as much distaste for the lower class. People tend to marry in or near their class. For example most royalty would marry others in the nobility class. The rich would be less likely to marry someone poor than someone in the middle class. However that is not entirely unheard of either.

Government holidays consists of their Independence Day which is celebrated August 15. And in the winter there is Royal Remembrance in honor of the royal family, January 8. Many cities also throw a harvest festival in the fall.
Certain species have their own celebrations such as the hybrids with their winter festival and fae with their celebration of the defrost.
Birthdays are celebrated by many families. Dinners and family gatherings are often held. The birthday person often is given a single gift by the family.
One comes of age at 18 officially though some species call it differently.

Many travel by food or carriage (horses). Witches may transport you for a fee. To go far north one may choose to go by boat instead though the journeys are long and possibly risky.
Horses are moderatly common as this is medieval era and they are the easiest form of travel for non magic users. Not every family would have a horse but those who travel often likely have a horse or two with a carriage or cart.
Roads between main cities are rock/dirt but they are hard packed and kept clear. Trails to smaller villages may not be as nice but usually exist. Only those far out of the way or over/on the mountains are hard to reach

The current requirements are very simple. You must have a job lined up and be able to speak basics of the language then simply apply. It is a fast process as well.
Cherry is working to change that.

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