Raz trauma pt. 2

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As the cool kids say ✨ trigger warning ✨

Jim groaned as he got up from the couch to go to the kitchen. He finished his snack and wanted to put his plate in the washer before he got distracted and forgot all about it. Though while there he ended up raiding the fridge, looking for a drink.

His attention was drawn out of the fridge when he heard the door being opened. "hey Raz, I thought you were out studying tonight."

Jimmy left the kitchen, drinkless, and walked out to see what was up with his friend. However it wasn't Raziel at the doors, it was some purple haired stranger.

Raziel had warned Jim earlier that sometimes his boyfriend would just let himself in if the door wasn't locked. He usually texted Raziel when he was on his way so he'd be there to greet him. But Raziel wasn't home right now and must not have texted the man back to let him know that.

"Yeah. I know." The purple haired man shrugged, walking into the apartment and shutting the door behind him.

It was only then that Jimmy felt the magic rolling off this man. He wasn't very good at using his own but he knew how to tell the different types apart after living in a city full of magic.

This was celestial.

"Oh shit." The words slipped past his lips before he could stop them.  The man glanced at him with a curious gaze but Jimmy wasn't really paying attention to his expressions. He quickly backed himself towards the couch to get more space between them.

"Um, Raziel isn't here right now. He's out studying." Jimmy bumped against the couch and paused. Did he want to go to his room? No, he should probably wait for an opening to leave.

An angel. The word came to his mind. He didn't know how he knew. It must just be some sort of instinct. This was an angel.

"Oh, that's alright." The man shrugged, coming further into the room. Jimmy could feel his heart rate spike. "You can keep me company."

"Look man, I don't want any trouble." Jimmy side stepped the couch when the man came towards him, trying to keep some distance between the two of them.

"Ehe, I don't either."

Jimmy did not like the way he said that. The man took a seat on the chair in front of the TV and Jimmy considered making a run for the door.

"You should sit."

Well there goes that plan. Jimmy swallowed the lump in his throat and sat on the couch opposite this man. "Can we - not?"


"I didn't do anything bad. I'm just trying to live my life, man. Please." Please don't hurt me. Jimmy tried to stay calm, breathe evenly. He'd never run into an angel before. He didn't think they came to earth.

The man struck out his hand and for a moment, Jimmy expected his life to come to a sudden end. But it didn't, of course.

"My name is Anton." He introduced himself.

Jimmy looked at his hand and ever so hesitantly shook it. Chills ran up his spine when he touched the angel but he suppressed the urge to shudder. "I'm Jimmy."

"It's nice to meet you." Anton smiled.

Jimmy was saved from any awkward reply when the door opened again. Please not another angel.

"Anton?" It was Raziels voice.

"Hi Razzy~" Anton smiled at his partner, hus attention drawn away from Jimmy for a moment.

"Are you bothering my roommate?"

"Ehehe. No."

Raziel shook his head but there was a smile there. "Come on, leave him alone. Let's go to my room. Sorry about him Jim, he's kind of weird."

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