MiniScene: the real Maelle and Sadiq

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Remember to become citizens they have to learn to speak and read Delyrian.  They all have a tutor since Maelle was nice enough to find one. However I have a feeling Zafir gets a lot of help from Ahri and Kassim is basically teaching himself.

And Sadiq gets a little help from Maelle.

Maelle had been enjoying her run with Sadiq for the last while. It was just a border run to make sure everything was alright but it was more fun when you had a partner you liked. They had spent a lot of time together recently bonding over simple things in life.

"I've got to get Lilly to bed. Did you want to come with me?" Maelle offered. She knew Lilly had gotten Sadiq wrapped around her finger like every other adult in the castle.

"Sure." Sadiq nodded.

The two went inside and Maelle found Lilly. She helped lilly get ready for bed before Sadiq joined her to tuck in the princess.

"Do you want a story tonight?" Maelle asked.

Lilly nodded. "The one with the princess kn the tower." She said.

"Rapunzel?" Maelle found her storybook.

"Yeah!"  Lilly nodded.

"Alright. Rapunzel it is." Maelle nodded, opening the book.

"No, I want Sadie to read it to me." Lilly said. She tended to call him Sadie. The foreign ending of the q a bit hard for the young girl to get used to. She could if it bothered Sadiq but no one bothered to correct her.

Maelle looked over at Sadiq. "Are you alright with that?" She asked him. She knew he was taking tutoring like the rest of the mercenaries however those who were entirely illiterate to begin with, like Zafir and Sadiq, couldn't read all that much yet.

"Yeah." Sadiq nodded. He didn't want to disappoint little Lilly. He knew some of it after all. He should be able to read a child's book. He took a seat on the edge of Lilly's bed, Maelle still beside him. She handed him the book and gently set a hand on his arm. She offered him a sweet smile. She was there if he struggled.

Sadiq cleared his throat and began to read. "Once upon a time there was a princess with hair longer than you have ever seen..."

It was a book written for children. Sadiq was able to get through most of it. He struggled on a word in the middle of the book through and Maelle was quick to step in.

"The gallant knight approached the towel and called to the maiden..." She looked at Sadiq to continued voicing the knight for the story.

And she replied in the princesses words as if it had been part of the plan all along.

By the time the story ended Lilly was close to sleep. Maelle shut the book and replaced it on the shelf. "Goodnight princess." She whispered, placing a soft kiss on Lilly's forehead before turning off the lamp that lighted the room. It was then she and Sadiq left.

"You're improving quickly." Maelle noted.

"Am I?" Sadiq rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't feel like he'd done a great job.

"Yes. Really." Maelle nodded. "I'm going to get some sleep now. Goodnight, Sadiq."

"Goodnight Maelle."

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