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Basic Layout
Occuri is an island with very thick tropical type forests on most of the island. The shores to the south have white sand beaches while the north shores tend to be rocky.
It is actually quite circular with a couple of outreaching bits of land. It's west of Delyra.

Technically there is a ruling family that has been in charge for almost 200 years after leading the rebellion to overthrow the last corrupt leader and being chosen as the new emperor.

The Belen family is the current ruling one. The Man or Woman is charge is simply called "The Ruler" by the people. Sometimes this can be with the name. For example the current ruler is Ruler Astriel Belen known as a Gold Elf. (a tan skinned almost gold colored elf with no specific elemental power).

This only applies to the Belen child in power, not their husband or wife. The husband or wife should still always be respected and called the respective Mr/Mrs. Sir/Madam is also acceptable. His wife is Madam Seraphine. A Dark Elf.

The Belens are a family of Elves and will always marry another elf though the subcategory mag change. For example a wood elf may marry a dark elf.

However they have what's called "the ring" which is a group of 13 advisors. These advisors each have an area of specialty and can make recommendations for the ruler to follow. These recommendations tend to be taken as comments. Every ruler has done as the Ring commands them.

Once elected to the Ring you serve there until your mind fades, you die, or you are decided unfit to hold this position by the other 12. To be unfit it must be a 2/3 votes in favor to boot you.

The person selected to replace you will be selected by unanimous decision.

Market / Economics
There is very little industrialization in Occuri however they do not partake in trade. They leave other countries alone no matter the conflicts and only defend themselves.

Within their island they use Yerons as money which is metal coins though the shape defines the amount it is worth. It is also common to see a trade of goods Esther than monetary payment. A carpenter may make you a crib for your new infant if you trade him one of your items seem of equal value, for example.

There is little to no help from government if you are lacking money depending on your class/species. You can make yourself rich or poor and they will not change that. It is a free market with only a few productions being controlled by the government.

There is what may be considered the black market in Occuri for those who are terribly desperate. You see those interested in potions and such occasionally need ingredients that are hard to come across. Items like blood or even entire human body parts. No potions are considered dark magic no matter the ingredients.

If you're desperate for money you could sell a pint of blood to a mage. Or perhaps your eye. The heart of your enemy if you think you won't be caught.

There is no official military of Occuri but rather a requirement. Everyone will go through basic training as a part of high school the same that one might have gym class today.

Your year and four others around you be assigned to a group. From the age of 25-30 you will be attending more training one a week to keep you in shape. For those years you are essentially the first responder if Occuri was to be attacked.

Every citizen over 20 and under 50 would be expected to fight to the best of their abilities if Occuri was attacked. Most do not mind this as Occuri avoids war. There will never be a battle unless another country makes the first move on Occuri.

Class Rankings + Slavery
Your class is determined mostly by your money however your species may prevent you from raising too high.

The Magic creatures are seen as the best of all. That is Fae, Elves, and Humans with magic abilities.

Next is the Light creates. That being Angels and Spirit creatures.

Non magic humans and Hybrids are seen on the same rank.

Lowest is the Dark creatures. Recall the great war was between the Darks and the Magics. Darks being Vampires and Demons.

Magics and Light creatures are more likely to revive help from the government if struggling than non magics humans or hybrids.

The Ring and Rulers will always be from the Magic classification.

Hybrids and Humans can be enslaved or free. Think Ancient Greeks. You could be enslaved for a time to repay debts or being conquered but you could also buy your freedom.

Free Humans and Hybrids can do anything the other citizens can including buying property, opened shops and all the rest. However they are less likely to get help from government if they are suffered.

Before you free yourself from slavery, male sure you have a plan how to survive. Being a slave isn't great but at least you have shelter and some food (usually).

There are a few laws about how one can treat their slaves. Essentially it blocks you from torturing them for amusement. You can work them as hard as you want however they are required to be given two resting days each month.

There is no limit to how many slaves one can own however once you get past 5 there are some other laws such as they just have shelter and each needs at least 15 quare feet of space within that shelter.

Dark creatures are almost always found enslaved. It is only enslaved darks that can use their magic however that is at their masters command to do work. There are ways to prevent demons and such to stop from accessing their magic.

It is much harder for darks to become free and survive. People may not buy from your shop simply because you're a dark creature.

Dark magic for free Darks is illegal in all cases. It does not matter if you were defending yourself or using a healing spell, since you are a dark creature it is considered dark magic and you will be arrested. It comes with a heavy fine and jail time with a minimum of 5 years. If you cannot pay this, you will be sold off to slavery instead.

I'm sure you can guess now why Occuri and Delyra do not get along. Though they don't attack each other it is very tense.

Travel + Citizenship
Very few people will leave Occuri however if you want to you must leave on a boat so it can be recorded. Travel in the island is done mostly on foot or horseback as only a few cities have true roads/paths for carts.

Those who wish to enter Occuri will also be documented. If it's a visit your time will be limited. If you wish to become a citizen there are very strict requirements.

Having a child in Occuri when you are not a citizen does not make your child a citizen.
Actually it makes you a criminal. If you're caught you'll be arrested and your child will be sent somewhere on the mainland. If they can't get the child is rejected by wherever it is sent, they'll get rid of it some other way.

The only way to avoid that fate for your child is if you have family on Occuri or on the mainland. If the family on the mainland will take your child they have to pay and travel to collect the child.

About the Ruler
Astriel is the eldest child of the Belen family with a younger brother and sister. The sister has been married to a noble family already in an arranged marriage.

Astriel chose Seraphine to be his wife when he was 16 and she was still only 10 years old. Seraphine was from a middle class elf family and should be honored to have the Rulers hand in marriage. They married on his 18th birthday while Seraphine was 12.

She could have technically said no but she feared her younger sister would have been selected instead or her family harmed if she hadn't agreed.

Since she is a Dark elf she is banned from using magic however she can do work with potions.

Astriel and his Ring have all power. He was able to marry a middle class woman because the Rulers wife has no power. She may try to persuade her husband in an action but can do nothing without his permission.

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