Modern Day OCs

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Do I really need to describe this? I have headcanons.

These take place a few years ago when theyre still mostly students.


Zafir had been talked into going to the wrestling club for a meeting. He didn't have much formal training but clubs are free so he figured there was no harm. There was the draw of seeing men in tight clothes too. 

He had an acquaintance in the club that brought him along. They met in the main wrestling room in the basement which Zafir had only been in a handful of times. There were 20 or so others in the room. Men of varying sizes. 

"I brought a newbie along this week, guys!" Zafir's buddy called out to the others. 

"Hey Zafir, I'm Nick. Head of club." Nick offered his hand and firmly shook Zafirs. "Have you wrestled before?"

"A year or two in middle school." Zafir answered with a shrug. What was the harm in trying? If he joined this club he didn't have to take another PE class, it would take care of the credit. 

"Good. Then you'll be ready to test in." 

"Tests aren't my forte but I'll give it a shot." He figured they'd make him lift or wrestle one of the varsity members. 

"It's pretty simple, you get to wrestle one of our members in your weight group. Its's for your placement. Just pick someone." Nick opened the spreadsheet on his phone that listed members and their weight groups. They had to weigh up before each match so it was easiest to just make and update a spreadsheet. 

"There's only one name. Chase." Zafir said after locating his section. A couple of the members snickered or leaned over to their friend to whisper something. Zafir looked at his friend in confusion but got no help from him. He was already hiding a grin.

"Is Chase a varsity or something?" Zafir asked Nick. "Whos Chase?"

"Actually it's Cherry." That was not a man's voice. A red haired girl stepped out of the crowd of men. She wasn't the tallest of the group, nor did she look too strong. "Some drop out if they know I'm a girl before the fight so I register under the name Chase."

Cherry stood in front of him, looking down at the shorter man. Well, he had a height advantage against her. He would have a better center of balance than she did. "Don't worry. I'll take it easy on you." Cherry clapped Zafir on the shoulder and walked to her side of the matt. Win or lose, Zafir was going to enjoy this. 

Zafir had a year or two of casual practice. Cherry had won her state division two years in a row. Zafir hadn't stood a chance. Within two minutes he was pinned by Cherry. Zafir was not complaining, of course. At Nick's call Cherry released Zafir and stood up. She offered him her hand. "You aren't half bad."

"Thanks." Zafir took her hand. "I had a lot of fun~"

Cherry laughed and pulled him to his feet. "You're cute but you're going to have to get better if you want a rematch."

Cherry was pulled away by one of her friends and the club set up a couple of quick matches while other's did weights or practice basic holds. It was actually a very friendly club. Members chatted about random things while they worked and kept a positive vibe whether you were a rookie or practiced. At the end Zafir managed to find Cherry again. 

"You don't have any water?" Cherry noticed.

"Nah, I dont usually bring a bottle to school." Zafir didn't think it was a big deal.

"Here, Catch." Cherry tossed Zafir a bottle. "I usually bring two. You need to stay hydrated."

"Thanks." Zafir caught it and took a drink. 

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