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❝It was amazing how you could get so far from where you'd planned, and yet find it was exactly where you needed to be

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❝It was amazing how you could get so far from where you'd planned, and yet find it was exactly where you needed to be.❞

Sarah Dessen

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"Hey, girlfriend."

"Hey, boyfriend."

Shawn stared at Elena in awe as he wrapped his arms around her and pushed his forehead against hers affectionately. "Say it again," He breathed out, knowing he would never get tired of hearing her say it.

Even though it had been months since they'd gotten together, it seemed Shawn Hunter still couldn't believe he was finally dating Elena Martinez. He wouldn't admit it out loud but he still felt butterflies in his stomach every time they kissed. Truth be told, he'd never been happier– not even the time Chet let him drive the trailer down a hill topped this.

Elena laughed warmly as her arms looped around his neck and she pressed her lips to his.

Cue butterflies.

The happy couple hadn't had much time to explore their new relationship, to no fault of their own. Almost immediately after the momentous Disney World trip, they'd both been whisked off onto summer-long trips by their fathers. Even still while they'd been apart physically, they spent all summer sending letters back and forth like the lovesick teens they were.

Upon returning to Philly they'd quickly decided on keeping their relationship a secret from their friends for a while. It was for no other reason than to avoid the unnecessary drama that they knew would ensue upon news of their newfound relationship becoming public knowledge.

Although, it seemed their relationship wouldn't be a secret for much longer. It was easier hiding a relationship when first of all, they were miles apart; and second, when they were together, they were miles apart from all their friends. Those two weeks where only Shawn and Elena had been back in Philly from their summer trips had undoubtedly been their favorite part of summer.

For wanting to keep their relationship a secret, they were not doing a good job. It actually seemed like they wanted to flaunt their relationship, seeing as how they were currently making out in their best friend's living room. It was a wonder no one from the Matthews' family had caught them yet.

They quickly pulled away when they heard a door slam upstairs, presumably Cory's.

"You're too close," Elena worried as she frantically wiped her deep red lipstick off his lips, "Now, stand over there."

"Okay, Lena-bug," Shawn smiled goofily as he took a step away from her.

"Why are all my nicknames bug-related?" She mused with a chuckle, "I mean, you guys know I hate bugs, right?"

"Hey, guys!" Cory called loudly as he joined his best friends, "How are ya?"

"Hey, Cor," Shawn nodded his head in greeting.

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