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❝My Daddy was my hero

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❝My Daddy was my hero. He was always there for me when I needed him. He listened to me and taught me so many things. But most of all he was fun.❞

Bindi Irwin

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Elena sighed as she looked at the payphone. She'd just gotten done wiping it down and disinfecting it but she still couldn't pick up the phone.

After a week of Happy constantly hounding her about why she didn't want to speak to her father, she finally told him. She told him about what her mother had said. And how she was so scared that it was true, that Theo Martinez really had abandoned her, that he didn't want her.

He hadn't been able to convince her to go see him but they'd compromised on her giving her father a call. Happy wanted her to hear how everything her mother had said were lies and he knew she needed to hear them from Theo himself.

Elena had tried to call him from their house phone but Sofia had all but thrown the phone across the room when she found out. So, here she was at a payphone with Happy waiting in the car for her. She turned to him with a helpless look to which he gave her a warm smile and nodded his head to the payphone.

With a heavy sigh, she finally dialed her father's number.


Elena froze when she heard her father's voice and if it wasn't for Happy she probably would have just hung up.


"H-hi papi."

"Elena?!" Theo exclaimed as he clutched the phone tighter.

She nodded her head before realizing he couldn't see her. "Mhm."

"Happy told me you didn't want to see me so I didn't think you would call me," She could hear the smile of relief in his voice, "I'm so happy that you did, mi vida."

"Why did you leave?" Elena asked bluntly. She had lost too many hours of sleep over that exact question to wait a single second more to finally get an answer.

"W-what?" Theo stuttered as his brows furrowed.

"Mom told that you left," Elena explained, "That you abandoned us."

"Bug, you can't believe that," He didn't let her say anything else. His heartbreaking from what she'd already said, "You know I would never leave you!"

"Then why did you?" Her voice broke.

"Mija, there are some things you're too young to understand right now," He sighed shakily as he sniffled, "But what you need to know is that I would never leave you. You are the most important thing in my life and nothing will ever change that."

"So you didn't leave?" Elena asked after a beat of silence. Whatever he said next, that's what she would believe.

"No. Your mother and I fought, it was big. I had to leave but, bug, I didn't want to. And I would have taken you with me if I could have," Theo paused as he wiped away the tears falling across his cheeks, "You believe, don't you Elena?"

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