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❝The best part about a first kiss is right before the first kiss

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❝The best part about a first kiss is right before the first kiss.❞

Brett Davern

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"Seven minutes in heaven?" Cory asked as he and Shawn made their way across the cafeteria.

"Yeah," Shawn smiled excitedly as they sat down, "They pick a boy, they pick a girl, they send you two into a dark closet."

"Well, how do you find the girl?" Cory's eyebrows furrowed.

"With your lips."

"I'm gonna like this game!" Cory smiled widely.

"But are you good at the game?" Elena teased him as Eric walked past them and gave her a high five.

"Nice one, Ladybug," He smiled at her before giving Cory a pointed look, "And, if that's what you're eatin' for lunch, I don't think the girl's gonna like it."

"Nobody's talkin' to you!" Cory huffed.

"Just tryin' to help!" Eric called out as he got a lunch tray.

"Okay, look." Shawn moved Cory's head to face him, "Closet strategy is the key. You've only got seven minutes, and you have to make every second- What are you doing?"

Shawn and Elena gave him weird looks as he puckered his lips and moved his face forward and backward.

"Lip-ups. I want to be in shape, I want to go the distance."

"What!" Elena asked loudly making the two jump.

Shawn and Cory turned to her and saw Eric with his ear pressed into his shoulder, grimacing.

"Was I too loud!" Elena yelled and Eric shoved his shoulder further up his ear to soothe it.

"Okay, and what are you doing?" Shawn asked Eric, who'd been standing behind Elena covering her ears.

"Making sure Lena doesn't hear about anything she shouldn't be doing till after she's been married for two years," Eric explained as if it were obvious.

"Whose Dina Douglas and why do you want to kidnap her for two years?!" Elena's eyes widened.

"No one's kidnapping anyone named Dina," Eric promised before leaning down to kiss the top of her head as he made his way to his friends.

"Hey guys, Lena," River smiled as he sat down next to Elena, "What time should I pick you up?"

"Pick her up for what?" Shawn cut into their conversation, pushing Cory back in his seat to lean close.

"Personal space is a thing y'know," Elena rolled her eyes as she pushed his face away, "River's picking me up to go to the party together."

"Eric approved," River smiled sarcastically.

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