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❝The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it

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❝The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.❞

Hubert H. Humphrey

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It was the start of a new school year, 10th grade to be exact and Elena could not have been happier. It was very much out of character for her but in her defense, her summer holiday had been the absolute worst. She hadn't seen her father much, except the few times Happy snuck her out to see him and she'd been stuck at home with her mother.

That meant that Elena spent every waking minute she could outside of her house. She made plans every day with anyone who was available if on the off chance Cory and Shawn were busy. She'd also spent a lot of time with River Jones this summer, most of which it was just the two of them. They'd gotten a lot closer over Elena's summer of avoiding Sofia.

So much so, that they were now dating. That's right, Elena Martinez and River Jones are an item.

It had taken some getting used to on Shawn's part but he'd finally given up on the bouts of jealousy and childish temper tantrums. As long as Elena was happy he could pretend to be too for her sake.

But he and Cory had made sure to give River a very long talk about keeping Elena happy for his own sake and livelihood. Which was followed up by Eric. Then Alan. Then Harley and his gang. And finally Happy and Theo.

Plus, and she knew this wasn't as big of a deal, but Elena hadn't gotten to go on vacation this year. Which meant no international shopping spree which she'd become accustomed to over the years. It was definitely on the bottom of her list for 'why this summer sucked' but it was still on the list.

"Hey," River grinned down at his girlfriend as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Hey yourself," She teased before she leaned up to give him a kiss.

"And we're detaching!" Cory ordered as he and Shawn joined the two.

Elena pulled away from him with a scowl as she nuzzled into River's chest. "It's like having Eric around all the time but this one comes with curly hair."

River laughed softly and rubbed her shoulder affectionately. "Hey, can't be worse than our first date, right?"

"Ugh," She groaned at the mention of that train wreck.

Her first date with River had been going perfectly until she noticed all the little spies watching them. It was like playing Where's Waldo.

She'd found Eric –in a hilariously bad disguise– staring at them intently with a notebook which she later found had a 'Gentleman's checklist' scrawled into it. Apparently, he'd been ticking boxes whenever River did something like hold the door for her or pull her chair out. He also had extensive notes on how to be a better gentleman/boyfriend to her.

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