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"Parents," Riley called as she marched into the apartment with her friends in tow and looked at Topanga and Elena.

"Riley, honey, I'm your parent," Cory reminded her as he stood next to Elena.

"But Aunt Elena treats you the way Mom treats me," She countered with furrowed brows.

"No, I treat him the way my mom treated me," Elena corrected, "I've left him in over 23 grocery stores, fire stations, and malls but he always finds his way back," She complained.

"I knew you were forgetting me on purpose!" He gasped dramatically, his feelings hurt.

"Then why did you come back?" She huffed with narrowed eyes.

"You promised my parents you would take care of me!" He reminded her heatedly.

Before they left for college, Amy and Alan had asked her to take care of their sons, knowing how stupid they were.

"And that's what I've been trying to do!' She argued back, "Take care of you," She emphasized.

"They didn't mean the mafia way," He exclaimed offendedly.

"That's exactly what they meant," She smirked.

"Parents!" Riley yelled over their arguing, this time looking at all three of them, "What's the secret of life?"

Cory smiled. "The secret of life is to always use more spinach and less rice than you think you need."

Topanga rolled her eyes. "No. The secret to life is that fresh air, warm sun, and a cup of water

"Yeah, if you're a plant," Elena scoffed, "The secret to life is that violence sometimes really is the answer," She told the group of friends, who immediately nodded along with her answer.

"No!" Cory and Topanga yelped immediately.

"Oh, right, sorry. Violence isn't the answer," Elena nodded and the two sighed in relief but it was short lived, "Violence is the solution," She corrected.

"Told you!" Maya gloated with a wide smirk.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to put in a call to the New York Secretary of State notifying them I will no longer be carrying photo I.D. You know why? People should know who I am," Elena said casually as she marched to the door. 

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"Shawn isn't answering his phone," Cory grumbled with a frown as Elena walked into Topanga's.

"I'll call him," She mused as she pulled out her phone and set it on speaker.

He scoffed. "I tried several times now, he's probably in the middle of something import-"

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