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❝There is nothing permanent except change

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❝There is nothing permanent except change.❞


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"...And that, Mr. Hunter, is how babies are made," Mr. Feeny explained once again.

Shawn shook his head with a suspicious look. "I still don't believe him."

"Well, why not?" Topanga asked in exasperation.

"Because remember when you and Lena did your hair all pretty last year? Well, when I told her I wanted her to have my babies she told me she was fine with it as long as they came out of me."

"And you just think everything Elena says is a fact?" Amanda, a girl in their class, scoffed.

"Well, she's real smart," Shawn shrugged, "Probably a lot smarter than you too."

Amanda's jaw dropped in shock as she stared at him in disbelief while Elena laughed.

"Well, he's not wrong," Mr. Feeny himself shrugged when Amanda turned to him expectantly.

"Before I forget, next Friday will be college recruitment day. Representatives will be here from USC, NYU and Rutgers. And Mr. Matthews, your interview with Stanford has been rescheduled from 3:00 to 3:30," Mr. Feeny called just as the bell rang and everyone filed out.

Shawn's brows furrowed. "Stanford? What's that all about?"

"It's just an interview," Cory shrugged with a smile, "It's nothing from nothing."

"Cory. When we were little kids, you promised me that we'd go to the same college together," Shawn reminded him pointedly, clearly feeling hurt over this.

"Did I say that?" Cory chuckled sheepishly as they walked out into the hallway.

"Yes," He nodded vehemently, "And you also told me that if I graduated high school, you'd take me to Vermont to watch the leaves change."

"Right, Vermont. October," Cory reassured him, "Write it down."

"Were you invited to that trip?" Topanga whispered to Elena with a frown.

"Yeah," She nodded with a heavy sigh, "But I tried so hard not to be."

"You know I could never get into Stanford," Shawn huffed, his brows furrowed in anguish.

"Well, Stanford's just one of the many schools I'm applying to, Shawn. I'm also applying to Wisconsin, Penn-"

"Wisconsin and Penn?" He repeated with a scoff, "We never discussed those."

"It's like watching an old married couple fight in a movie," Elena chuckled, "Let's go get popcorn from my locker."

"Well, it doesn't have to be Wisconsin or Penn, Shawnie," Cory tried to calm him down, "It can be a school from your list. What's on your list?"

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