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❝Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future

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❝Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.❞

Paul Boese

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"Hey Lena," Cory smiled when he saw his best friend walking up to his backyard.

"Hey Cory," She waved at him as she leaned against the fence that separated his yard from Mr. Feeny's. She was coming over to speak to him about everything that had happened over the course of the last week. She had started going to him a lot more frequently —and willingly— recently, finally getting over her hatred for talking about feelings and serious conversations.

"Did you come to hang out?" Cory asked excitedly as he looked at her hopefully. They hadn't hung out much this week after everything that had happened with Harley and he missed his best friend.

"I have to talk to Mr. Feeny about something, for my Abuelita," She smiled cooly as she lied, "But I can hang out after-"

She was cut off by Shawn's voice as he threw open the Matthews' backdoor, wondering what was taking Cory so long to get the basketball.

Elena's eyes widened when she saw him as he froze in his spot when their eyes met. Cory thought he had been seeing a lot less of Elena this week while Shawn hadn't seen her at all. The two had been avoiding each other since their conversation in the hallway. Well, Elena was avoiding him anyway.

Shawn had tried to catch her after class or after school to talk but she managed to disappear before he could even take a step in her direction. He was pretty sure she had Harley and his underlings helping her stay as far away from him as possible. 

She bit her lip as she turned to Cory with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Cor. I just remembered that my dad needs my help with something after I'm done with Mr. Feeny."

Cory opened his mouth to try and get her to at least spend five minutes with them but she was already turning on her heel. Shawn watched with a frown as she stiffly walked into Mr. Feeny's house without so much as a glance in his direction. The two boys turned to each other with frowns, they weren't the same without Elena — They'd always been a trio, not a duo.

Elena breathed out heavily as she leaned against the door once she'd closed it. She hated not being able to talk or hang out with her best friends and she felt horrible about ignoring Shawn. But with everything going on and everything that had happened, she could barely breathe. She didn't want to talk to him and say anything else that would hurt his feelings again. She hated that she'd done that in the first place.

"Miss Martinez," Mr. Feeny smiled warmly at her as he stood by the kitchen island with two teacups, "You're right on time which I see you are capable of doing, so I wonder why so many of your teachers are complaining about your tardiness."

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