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❝Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light❞

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❝Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light❞

Helen Keller

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"Thus, the transcontinental railroad spelled the end of the Pony Express. Mail service was faster, more reliable. Letters no longer had to be passed hand to hand," Mr. Feeny said as he walked around the class snatching the notes he's noticed being passed, "This just in. Ms. Wilder wants to know what Ms. Harrington thinks she should wear to her party, Ms. Harrington wants to know what makes Ms. Wilder think she's even coming."

Elena snorted as Amanda Wilder turned to glare at Melissa in shock.

"I'm not invited," She hissed and Melissa rolled her eyes.

"We'll just see, okay?" Melissa drawled carelessly, giving Amanda a smirk.

"Something tells me that was an attempt at a polite 'no'," Elena commented and laughed when Amanda turned to glare at her.

"What are you glaring at me for, it's not my fault you weren't invited. That was most probably a you problem."

"Mr. Jones wants to know when Ms. Martinez is free, and Mr. Matthews wants to know 'Is this going to be a makeup party?"

"Well, sure, Cory." Melissa battered her eyelashes mockingly, "You can borrow my lip gloss."

"Hey, don't make fun of him." Elena glared and just as Cory opened his mouth to thank her, she smiled at him, "Don't worry Cor, I have an extra mascara tube for you."

"You just told her not to do that!" Cory exclaimed in exasperation.

", but I didn't say anything about me doing it," Elena smirked.

"I meant out!" Cory yelped as he fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat, "Not up. A make-out party."

Mr. Feeny looked down at the note again before nodding his head, "Ah, so it is. Mr. Matthews wants to know if this is going to be a make-out party."

"Not for him," Shawn smirked and Cory gave a groan, burying his head into his arms.

"tal vez con el lápiz labial de color correcto," Elena smirked as River laughed.

"I can already tell I won't like that comment." Cory huffed.

"You thought right, I'm proud." Elena smiled.

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"I blew it," Cory panicked as he walked down the hallway, "There's no way Melissa's gonna invite me to her party now."

Shawn shrugged and sat down on a bench, "So Feeny cut you off at the knees. People will forget. You'll get invited to the next party."

"You think?" Cory asked hopefully.

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