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❝Chemistry between people is the strangest science of all

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❝Chemistry between people is the strangest science of all.❞

Bridgett Devoue

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"Shawn, Elena, I've been waiting for this my whole life," Cory smiled brightly as he lead them into his room, "Eric has gone to college and the room is mine, all mine."

Shawn frowned in confusion when he noticed the desk that was usually toppling over with books and clutter was now slowly being coated in wax. "What's with all the candles?"

"Oh, those are for Topanga," Cory giggled shyly, "Those set the mood."

"Kinda looks like a church in here," Shawn admitted with a shrug.

"Yeah, my abuelita would love this," Elena chuckled, "You just need a few pictures of the Pope."

Cory glared at them. "You're ruining the mood."

"Your 'mood' is a fire hazard. And with your level of stupidity it's a house fire waiting to happen," Elena countered bluntly.

Cory brushed her off, deciding against telling her how many times he'd accidentally burnt himself trying to light the candles. "Finally, y'know, I'm no longer a guest in this room. It's mine! You see that picture?"Mine. You see that wallpaper? Mine."

Before he could continue his list, a man carrying a mattress walked through the door. "Whose queen-size bed is this?"

Cory giggled gleefully. "Mine!"

"It's for yourself, huh?" The delivery man asked as he placed the mattress on the bed frame.

Cory smiled shyly, his cheeks going red. "Maybe."

"An industry-standard twenty-year warranty," The man handed Cory a receipt to sign before he pointed at him sternly, "And remember, no means no."

Elena smiled proudly before she pulled out her wallet and gave the man a crisp $100 tip.

"Y'know, Shawn, I can feel it. We're seniors this year, we're unstoppable, baby!" Cory exclaimed excitedly, "This is gonna be the best year of our lives."

And of course, because this was Cory, who had the comedic bad luck of a sitcom, just as he said the door flew open and Eric strolled in.

"Daddy's home!" He exclaimed as he dropped his duffle bag onto the floor.

Cory's brows furrowed, hoping he was imagining things. "Eric, what're you doing here?"

Eric didn't answer, instead, he looked around the room and noticed the twin beds had turned into one queen bed. "Oh, you didn't get rid of my bed, did ya?" He chuckled.

"Aren't you supposed to knock before you enter my room?" Cory huffed exasperatedly as he sat down on the bed with slumped shoulders.

The sad look on his face was pitiful, it even made Elena feel bad for him. So, she sat down next to him on the bed and gave him a piece of candy.

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