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❝For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo

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❝For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.❞

William Shakespeare

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Cory jumped down the last two steps to Chubbies in his excitement to get yet another clown burger. He had a bright grin plastered on his face as he thought of the clown hat that came with the burger. He was one hat away from completing this month's set.

But when he looked around the busy diner for a table, his face fell when he saw Elena and River.

He quickly shook his head to snap out of it and scolded himself for thinking badly of the two. He knew River was a good guy, as good as they come even, and Elena would never do anything to hurt Shawn, her best friend turned boyfriend. Cory once again smiled and assured himself Elena and River were simply having an innocent, friendly, outing.

He froze when he looked over at them again only to see River pulling her into a hug.

Hugs are totally innocent, I mean I hug Lena all the time. Cory reassured himself.

He smiled in relief when the two finally pulled away from each other. But his frown came back not long after when River leaned down and kissed her. Cory stared at the two with wide eyes, frozen in shock as he tried to process what was happening. He took a shaky step backward before he turned on his heel and rushed out of Chubbies.

Cory didn't know it then but he was right, Elena would never do anything to hurt Shawn. Cory, in fact, didn't know a lot of things. For starters, because he enjoyed napping during Math class, he didn't know that angles really changed how something might look.

So much so that an innocent cheek kiss could look like a horrible betrayal from the wrong angle.

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The next day at school, Cory spent all day looking for Elena to talk to her about what he'd seen at Chubbies last night. But every time she was within eyesight, she seemed to disappear. It was as if she knew Cory was trying to corner her and she was doing everything she could to avoid him.

He finally found her, coincidentally sitting with River in the cafeteria.

"Elena. Hi. River. Hi," Cory greeted the two seriously, "Both of you... Hi."

Elena and River turned to him with worried eyes, their nerves reeling.

"Elena, I need to talk to you."

She stood up and smiled apologetically. "I can't. I have Feeny's history class."

"No, you have lunch now," He frowned, "How come you didn't call me back last night?"

"It was really late," She shrugged.

Cory's eyes narrowed. "It was seven o'clock."

After an uncomfortable pause, Elena sighed heavily. "Cory, I have history now."

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