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❝The choices we make change the path that we take, but I knowThat somewhere out there there's a path that we choseThere's a life that we share, there's a love and it grows❞

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❝The choices we make change the path that we take, but I know
That somewhere out there there's a path that we chose
There's a life that we share, there's a love and it grows❞

GOLDEN | Zayn Malik

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"Why couldn't it be you?" Elena laughed dryly. 

River Jones chuckled softly as he wrapped an arm around Elena. The two were sitting at Topanga's, currently discussing Elena Martinez and her disastrous love streak.

"Because it was always him," River explained simply, having come to this realization years ago.

She stiffened and shook her head adamantly. "No. No, it isn't. Not anymore."

"You love him," River mused with a soft smile.

"What?!" She scoffed, "No, I don't."

Elena looked away from him as her mind raced with thoughts of Shawn Hunter. She was clearly in denial and they both knew it.

"I know you do because you always looked at him the way I wished you looked at me," He admitted as he gave her a comforting squeeze, "And you still look at him like that."

"I barely look at him," She defended with a roll of her eyes.

"But when you do, anyone can tell that you love him," River pointed out slowly.

Elena sighed as she leaned against him, feeling tired as her mind raced with everything they'd said. Her shoulders fell when she realized River was right. She gulped dryly.

"I'm sorry," She managed to say quietly, "I tried so hard to fall for you but I can't. You're right, it's always been him, it'll always be him no matter how much I hate that."

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"Oh, uh, Elena," Topnaga's eyes widened when she opened the apartment door to see her, "I don't think you want to go in there. No reason or anything it's just-"

"Yeah, yeah," Elena brushed her off, not even registering her words. Her mind was too busy thinking of Shawn Hunter as per usual.

She pushed past Topanga and walked into the apartment, going straight to Shawn.

"E-Elena," He breathed out in shock as he stood up from the couch.

She didn't say anything, instead, her hands came up to cup his cheeks and she kissed him.

Everyone in the Matthews' apartment gasped as they stared at the two in shock.

"Oh, my God, this is a dream come true!" Cory all but squealed, "I gotta get my phone, I gotta film this," He paused, "Oh, but then I'll miss it. Oh, but I want it forever. Agh, but I should stay in the moment. Ah, but then I'll forget. Oh, my God, this is a nightmare!" He cried.

"Cory, honey, breathe," Topanga instructed her husband before he could pass out.

"How can I breathe when magic is happening right here in our apartment!" He grinned.

"Peaches," Maya called softly, her eyes trained on Shawn and Elena.

"Yes, pumpkin."

Maya's hand slowly came up to point at the couple. "Is that really happening?"

"Yes, pumpkin."

Elena finally pulled away from Shawn and he stared at her in shock, his lips parted as he prayed this wasn't another one of his dreams. A smile spread across his face.

"What was that for?" He breathed out as he searched her face for an answer.

"I wanted to see if it was always you," She said, creating more questions than she'd answered.

"Well, is he?" Cory asked impatiently, breaking the two out of their moment.

"Cory!" Topanga warned as she nudged him to stay silent.

But everyone, even Topanga, wanted to know the answer to his question. The room fell into a pregnant silence as everyone stared at Shawn and Elena, their breath caught in their throats.

"Well, is he?" Shawn repeated the question softly.

Elena's gaze finally met his own. "...Always."

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Finally a happy Heart to Hart. And proof of life for River Jones lol. 

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please let me know what you thought. I know this chapter was short but I hope the Shawn x Elena moment made up for it. 

The next chapter is episode 7 - Singled Out. What do you think is going to happen?

Please don't forget to vote and comment!

Have a great day and stay safe ♥♥

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