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❝The lady doth protest too much, methinks❞

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❝The lady doth protest too much, methinks❞

Queen Gertrude; Hamlet

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"Good morning, class." Mr. Feeny greeted as he walked into the classroom, "I would like you all to let our your most agonized groan."

The class all let out weak groans of fake annoyance simultaneously. 

"Good. Now, let's start planning our springtime class play." Mr. Feeny rolled his eyes as the class let out a real groan, "Been there, heard that. Now, before you give up in despair, you may want to hear my play selection. It has sword fights, murder, skulls, even ghosts. How does that sound?"

"Sounds like Spielberg." Cory cheered excitedly.

"Sounds like Shakespeare," Mr. Feeny corrected and Cory's smile dropped immediately.

"Sounds like a loser." Shawn corrected as he rolled his eyes. 

"We will be doing select scenes from the play Hamlet." Mr. Feeny announced.

"Mr. Hunter, in the parlance of the theater, you will be a spear carrier." Mr. Feeny informed him as he dropped a book on Shawn's desk.

"Excellent." Shawn smiled, "So this guy I play is like, what, a warrior and a hero?"

"No. This guy you play has the fewest lines to memorize." Mr. Feeny corrected him, "Miss. Lawrence, you will be playing the tragic heroine, Ophelia. Now, this is a challenging role she goes quite insane."

"Topanga insane? What a stretch." Cory said sarcastically.

"Ow!" He groaned when Elena leaned forward and slapped him over the head.

"If I were a less evolved person, I'd say, 'Cram it, brillo head." Topanga snapped.

Elena laughed, "I would have gone with 'shut it, doofus' but that's good too."

"Mr. Minkus," Mr. Feeny carried on, "You will be playing the role of the wise old Polonius."

"Polonius?" Stuart asked, "He only has forty-eight lines. I sort of pictured myself as the melancholy Dane."

"For those of you unfamiliar with the reference, Mr. Minkus means the lead role, Prince Hamlet. Now, this is a tricky part to cast because Hamlet gets on a lot of people's nerves. He makes one stupid mistake after another, and for five acts, he never shuts up." Mr. Feeny explained as everybody looked at Cory.

"What? Do I have a booger?" Cory asked as he turned to Elena.

"Why would I want to see?" Elena grimaced.

"Ms. Martinez, you will be playing the role of Polonius' wife."

Stuart grinned instantly, "Forget Dane and his crazy wife."

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