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❝Family is family, whether it's the one you start out with, the one you end up with, or the family you gain along the way

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❝Family is family, whether it's the one you start out with, the one you end up with, or the family you gain along the way.❞


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"I'm sure you're all aware of the conflict in Burundi which is now spilling over into Rwanda and Uganda," Mr. Feeny said to the class as he pointed to the blackboard.

"He's making these names up," Cory muttered to Shawn and Elena in disbelief.

"He's finally run out of stuff to teach," Shawn explained, equally as stunned.

"How did you two make it to high school?" Elena huffed with a frown.

"You let us cheat off your tests," Shawn shrugged, "And we still failed sometimes."

"Yeah, how'd you two manage that?" She nodded before she rephrased her question, "Then... How have you not died yet?"

"You won't let us," Cory threw his head back onto her desk and smiled up at her, "You love us."

Elena pursed her lips, not wanting to admit it so instead she started drawing on his forehead.

"The Burundian conflict centers on class differences between the poorer Hutus and the richer Tutsis," Mr. Feeny continued.

"We're gonna have to put a bag over him and drag him out of the room," Shawn sighed.

Cory nodded. "Sure, that way, we save his dignity."

"Class differences, the strife between the have and the have-nots, a perennial source of misery on our planet. Another source of misery, I expect each of you to do a paper on this topic during Thanksgiving break," Mr. Feeny finished inciting displeased groans from the class.

"He's trying to drag us down with him," Cory complained as he tried to rub Elena's drawings off.

"But before we break for the holiday, I want to congratulate you all on this year's food drive," He walked to the table with the food drive donations, "I mean, you've shown real generosity and selflessness. That said, this year's winners are Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter."

Cory and Shawn jumped up excitedly. "Oh, yeah!"

"This is so unfair," Topanga huffed, "They just keep turning in the same cans year after year."

"Hey, my family gives them to the food bank, the food bank gives them to my family, my family gives them back to the food bank. It's life in the food bank chain," Shawn smiled proudly.

"So, what'd we win, Mr. Feeny?" Cory asked excitedly.

"You've won a turkey."

"Oh," They visibly deflated, disappointment clear on their faces as he handed them the turkey.

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