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❝Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men

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❝Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.❞

Joseph Conrad

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"What's up, buttercup?" Topanga asked when Elena stormed over with a noticeable frown.

"Guys are jerks," She growled as she shoved her bag into her locker aggressively.

Topanga pursed her lips. "What did Shawn do?"

"Not Shawn. Gary," She spat out the name in disdain.

Her brows furrowed in confusion. "Gary?"

"Gary," Elena repeated heatedly, "He wouldn't leave me alone all morning. He kept asking me out and trying to touch me. Wouldn't take no for an answer."

"That jerk!" Topanga gasped, "Then what happened?"

"He only backed off when Eric came over," She scoffed, "I shouldn't have to need someone to come and stop something like that. And I shouldn't have to tell a guy I'm taken by another guy to get him to leave me alone! 'No' is enough. 'No' should be enough!"

"Hey, Elena," Gary smiled as he walked over to them, "Look, about this morning. That was just a terrible misunderstanding, I didn't know you really had a boyfriend but Eric cleared it all up."

Elena stared at him in disbelief. He was apologizing for hitting on another guy's girlfriend, not for hitting on a girl who clearly wasn't interested. "Uh-huh, great," She deadpanned and glared at him, "Now leave before there's a terrible misunderstanding between my foot and your ass."

Topanga rolled her eyes when he walked away. "What a pig."

"He only backed off because another guy told him to. He'd still be trying to ask me out if it wasn't for Eric because apparently, I'm not worth listening to since I'm a girl. He respects my boyfriend but not me," She huffed in exasperation.

"Are you guys talking about Gary Miller?" Debbie wondered as she paused on her way to class. She frowned when they nodded, "I went out on a date with him last night. He was all over me. I mean, what happened to the nice guy I had dinner with? It's like, the night's almost over so he's all over me?" She sighed, "Why are guys such jerks on dates?"

"Well, not all guys," Topanga defended as she thought of her sweet chia pet boyfriend.

"Yeah, not all guys, Debbie!" Cory and Shawn called, obviously having been eavesdropping.

"What goes on in their heads?" Debbie asked exasperatedly, clearly very distressed by this.

"Want to find out? There's two of them," Topanga nodded over to Shawn and Cory.

"Hey, what goes on in your heads?" Debbie asked them bluntly.

"Topanga," Cory answered immediately, "24 hours a day, it's the Topanga channel in here."

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