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❝You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel

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❝You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.❞

Johnny Depp

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"Why are all those guys talking to Shawn's girlfriend?" Topanga asked as she and Elena walked over to Cory.

"Shawn and Jennifer broke up this morning," Cory explained as the three watched her flirt with a group of boys across the hall, "Look at her, she's already on the prowl."

"Well, how's Shawn taking it?" Elena asked nonchalantly, expecting this to be like every other one of Shawn's break-ups.

"Are you kidding, Shawn is Shawn. You can't keep Shawn down," Cory smiled before he nudged Shawn with his foot, "Get up Shawn."

Shawn was slumped against the lockers sadly as he stared at Jennifer. "She dumped me. She dumped me good. I didn't even see it coming."

"Look what they've done to my boy," Cory sighed as he leaned down to Shawn before he looked up at Elena, "Fix him."

She paused as she stared at Shawn and shrugged helplessly. "I don't know what to do. This is totally unprecedented, he's never cared about a breakup before."

"Look, Shawn, if it's any consolation I think you can do a lot better than Jennifer Bassett," Topanga smiled at him warmly.

Shawn perked up at this. "You think so."

Before she could say anything Cory cut in. "Wait a minute Topanga, have you looked at her?"

"Okay, so she's pretty, she's tall, she drives a new red convertible..." Topanga trailed off and huffed, "Oh, heck I'd go out with her."

"Okay, okay, I didn't want to say this when you were going out with her but if you asked me, Shawn, Jennifer Bassett is one stuck-up, conceited girl," Cory assured Shawn decidedly.

"Do you think so?" He asked brokenly.

"Oh, yeah," Elena nodded earnestly. "Nose way up in the air, and I'm pretty sure it's not even her real nose."

Shawn gasped and his eyes widened. "You mean?"

"Plastic," Cory nodded as he patted Shawn's shoulder comfortingly, "Just like her personality. So, you're really not missing out on anything. So get up and be Shawn."

"Yeah, yeah you're right," Shawn nodded confidently and marched over to Jennifer, "You know what I think, Jen? I think you're conceited. Yeah, that's right. Conceited and stuck up and... something about your nose."

She gasped and her hands flew to her nose with a frown. "What about my nose?


"Who said something about my nose?" She demanded anxiously.

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