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❝The deepest pain I ever felt was denying my own feelings to make everyone else feel comfortable

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❝The deepest pain I ever felt was denying my own feelings to make everyone else feel comfortable.❞

Nicole Lyons

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"Farkle, release!"

"No!" Farkle screamed as he kept his arms wrapped tightly around Lucas.

"Release!" Elena demanded as she tried to pull him off the taller boy, "If you don't let go of him right now then... I'm going to tell people that I believe the Earth is flat!"

He immediately jumped off Lucas and pointed a finger at her. "Do that and you are dead to me."

"Keep that finger pointed at me and you're going to be dead," She narrowed her eyes teasingly and smiled when he immediately did as told, "Now, why were you two fighting?"

"I don't know," Lucas shrugged helplessly, "He just walked in here and attacked me."

"He has a face that makes you want to attack him," Farkle shrugged when Elena turned to him.

She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips. "Okay, clear out! Yeah, that's right, I'm talking to you!"

The customers at Topanga's stared at her in shock as she continued to demand they leave. They slowly stood up and reluctantly made their way to the door.

"That's hardly fair," One of the customers complained as she glared at Elena.

"It's not fair at all," Elena agreed with a sickly sweet smile before she yelled, "Now, get out!"

Soon enough Topanga's was empty except for Elena, Farkle, and Lucas.

"Okay," She clapped her hands, "Now, you go wait outside while I talk to the koala over here."

"Yes, ma'am," Lucas nodded and made his way to the door.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that," She sighed as she rolled her eyes.

"Well, that's just- I mean what am I supposed to call you?" Lucas stuttered out nervously.

She laughed warmly. "Hm, let's see why don't we try my name?"

"But my mama always taught me to-"

"Okay, let's leave all the Texas gee willikers hooey aside," She cut him off much like Maya would, "What about a sister, huh? You'd call your sister by her name wouldn't you Hopalong?"

Lucas paused before he nodded. "Yes, ma'am. If I had a sister."

"Well, it's your lucky day," Elena smiled at him warmly, "You just got one now."

Lucas stared at her in shock before a smile broke out on his face. "Okay, m- Elena."

Once the door to Topanga's closed behind him, Elena turned to Farkle with an arched brow.

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