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❝Being scared is part of being alive

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❝Being scared is part of being alive. Accept it. Walk through it.❞

Robin S. Sharma

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"Honey, a tonsillectomy is a really simple operation," Amy reassured her son as they walked into the Matthews house.

"Yeah," Topanga nodded with a warm smile, "You stay overnight in the hospital, you eat Jell-O and you come home the next day."

"And when you wake up you'll be all loopy which is going to give your best friend Elena so much joy at your expense," Elena laughed as she perched herself onto the kitchen counter.

"And your best friend Elena has such a pretty smile which makes your best friend Shawn smile," Shawn cooed as he stood between his girlfriend's legs and leaned down to kiss her.

"Don't make me get the garden hose, Hunter," Alan warned as he walked into the kitchen.

"Man," Shawn sighed as he pulled away from her and wrapped his arms around her waist instead, "You've got an overprotective bodyguard everywhere we go. Can I not kiss my girlfriend in peace anywhere?!" He huffed.

"Not your girlfriend, Hunter," Elena immediately said before she paused and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry. Old habits die hard, right," She chuckled and kissed his cheek to make him feel better.

"You two are sickeningly cute," Cory grumbled, his voice scratchy, "I don't need an operation."

"Then why are you talking like that?" Amy copied his scratchy voice to prove her point.

"I just irritated my tonsils brushing my teeth. It's that darn angle toothbrush," He complained.

"Cory, you're this close to getting cast to be Batman's voice actor," Elena rolled her eyes, "You need the surger, you're getting the surgery, there's nothing to worry about."

While he seemed to take her words into consideration, he still didn't seem convinced.

Topanga sighed. "Shawn, tell your friend he has to go to the hospital."

Shawn shrugged his shoulders and chuckled. "I'm sorry, Topanga. I've got some serious problems with doctors and I don't think I have to explain why."

"Explain why," Topanga and Elena demanded dryly.

"Fine. Last night I'm flipping through the channels, right? I'm watching CNN."

"You're watching CNN?" Cory asked in disbelief.

"You know what CNN is?" Elena asked in shock.

"Well, yeah they suckered me in with this story about cake," He explained, "But then they did an expose on a 15-year-old boy, went to the hospital for a routine procedure, and vanished."

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