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❝No one in this world can love a girl more than her father❞

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❝No one in this world can love a girl more than her father❞

Michael Ratnadeepak

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1990 | Ten Years Old

Sofia sighed when Theo wouldn't so much as look at her that morning. He hardly even spoke to her since he'd let her come back, the only times he did were when Elena was in the room. In fact, the only time he ever acknowledged Sofia was when Elena was around.

He'd only agreed to let her come back because of what she'd said about Elena needing a mother. He wanted his daughter to have everything even if it meant dealing with his cheating wife. So that was exactly what he did, he only ever acted civil with her for Elena's sake and then went back to ignoring her.

Elena, for the most part, didn't think anything was wrong. If anything, she thought the fact that they weren't fighting was a little weird. She'd long gotten used to the fact that her parents fought and had come to expect it. But she wasn't going to complain, it was a nice change of pace. And as long as her father was happy then she was happy.

It seemed she wanted to believe her parents were happy so badly that she just ignored the somewhat obvious signs that they weren't.

Sofia, on the other hand, was not so keen on pretending everything was fine and dandy. She hated that Theo wasn't giving her the light of day and she was not planning on keeping quiet about it any longer. She'd decided she was done waiting around for him to change his attitude with her.

That night she'd knocked on the door of their once shared bedroom and waited. Theo had let her move back in but he refused to let her back into their master bedroom, instead he had Happy take her bags to one of the guest rooms.

Theo opened the door and sighed in disdain when he saw Sofia standing on the other side of that door, he'd obviously only opened the door because he thought it had been Elena.

"Why won't you talk to me or look at me?" She asked immediately, pushing her way into the room.

He rolled his eyes and gave her a bored look. "Get out."

"No," She huffed as she sat down in the armchair, "I want to talk."

"Well, I don't care what you want any more," He glared at her.

"Theo I said I was sorry!" She huffed in exasperation, "I'm trying. I'm really trying to fix this, why are you being like this?!"

He paused as he tapped his chin sarcastically. "Hm, let me think. Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because you cheated on me! Left me and my daughter without a second thought, tried to take my daughter away from me, and then came back when he left you!"

Sofia bristled and looked away from him, her next words were quiet. "Our."


"Our. She's our daughter."

"Didn't seem like that a few months ago," Theo scoffed.

"Theo, please," She begged through clenched teeth.

"Please what?" He growled, "Haven't I done enough for you? I let you come back after everything you did and you still want more from me?! God, just-just shut up!"

"Why are you getting so angry at me?" She finally started to yell, "Huh, why are you getting so angry at me?"

"Because I can't look at you and feel anything else!" He roared, "Every time I see you I want to scream and destroy this entire house but I don't. For Elena. Everything I'm doing is for her, not you. So don't you dare ask me for anything."

The two continued to yell at each other before Theo finally sighed and threw his hands up in defeat.

"Just get out, Sofia," He muttered as his shoulders slouched, "I'm tired of this and I don't have anything else to say to you."

"But I do," She argued, "I want us to get over this, I want to-"

"When are you going to get it through your head that not everything is about you," He huffed tiredly, "I don't care what you want. Not anymore."

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Sofia sighed as she stared at herself in the mirror. After finally leaving Theo's room when she realized he wasn't going to say another word to her she'd gone to her own room and trashed it in a fit of rage. She stood up with a heavy breath and slowly made her way to the door.

"Lena," She called with a smile as she walked into her daughter's room.

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you," Elena huffed with a pout.

Sofia paused, her smile falling. Sure it had been difficult to get back onto Elena's good side when she'd first come back but recently they'd been getting along a lot better. It seemed Elena had taken a total 180 on her mother in the last two hours.

"What?" She plastered a smile on her face, "But you were telling me about a new game you wanted to play after I finished showering."

"I don't want to play with you anymore."

"W-why?" She furrowed her brows in confusion.

"You made daddy upset again," She explained simply.

That was the moment Sofia realized just how much of a daddy's girl Elena really was. It seemed as long as her relationship with Theo was at least civil then so was her relationship with Elena.

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I'm sorry this chapter was so short but I hope you guys liked it anyway. Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Have a great day and stay safe ♥♥

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