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❝If you don't like something, change it

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❝If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.❞

Maya Angelou

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"Turnaround Dance, huh." Shawn smiled when he saw the poster, "Girls ask the guys. Merry Christmas to me."

"Ah, it's about time the girls had to worry and sweat and write out a list of topics to talk about on their hand." Cory smiled as he leaned against the lockers blissfully. He missed the look Shawn was giving him.

"You do that?"

"No," He awkwardly shoved his hands into his pockets, "Never. I'm just glad the pressure's off. You know, know we've got to sit back and wait."

"Is that what you think? The pressure's off?" Eric scoffed as he came to a stop by the two with River in tow, "Dream on, girls."

With that, he turned away from the two and motioned for River to follow him.

Cory grabbed onto his arm before he could walk away. "Wait, wait! Come back, come back, come back."

"Look," Eric gave them a serious look, one reminiscent of Mr. Feeny's when he was teaching, "A turnaround dance tells you where you stand. I mean, the type of girl who asks you who you are."

"Well, who are you if nobody asks?" Cory asked as he played with his hands.

"Then you're you."

Cory frowned. "Elena told you to stop being mean to me."

"Well, Elena's not here," Eric smirked before looking around, "None of you tell her what I did."

Shawn looked around the hallway and frowned when he didn't see her. He'd been seeing a lot less of his best friend recently and he did not like it. She'd been getting grounded more and the one thing her parents could agree on with minimal arguing was the best punishment for her — no Shawn and no Cory.

As of recently, that also extended to no River much to Shawn's dismay. He didn't like that River now had a strong enough presence in Elena's life that he was now included in the exclusive list. Although, after their talk in the closet at that party he'd really been trying to tone it down. They weren't in middle school and he wasn't dealing with scrawny Stuart Minkus anymore.

Cory rolled his eyes. "Well, how do you get asked by a cool girl?"


"Huh?" Cory and Shawn shared a look before turning to Eric with furrowed eyebrows.

"Look, you wanna cool girl, hang near her locker. Stand in her direct vision. If she can't see you, she can't ask you," Eric explained before pushing River into the middle of the hallway just as a girl from their grade was passing by.

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