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❝When my father didn't have my hand, he had my back

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❝When my father didn't have my hand, he had my back.❞

Linda Poindexter

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Cory, Shawn, and Elena were sitting in the Matthews' kitchen, studying for one of Mr. Feeny's tests. They weren't doing so well considering Elena, who headed these tutoring sessions and taught them, couldn't care less about school right now.

Ever since her break up with River and her talk with her mother, Elena had been in a downward spiral. She'd been too sad to do anything, so much so that even when the boys had forced her to come to Cory's house once she'd just crawled into his bed and ignored them.

That had been her norm for the last week before she caught a glance at herself in the mirror. Messy hair, dark circles under her eyes, and breakouts beginning to form. She knew if her abuelita saw her she would gasp in horror and wave a cross at her in fear.

It didn't help that her mother made sharp comments about it any chance she got either.

That's when she'd decided she could be as sad as she wanted to be but on the inside. She'd spent the rest of that day pampering herself. She'd booked herself a hair and manicure appointment, finally changed out of her pajamas, and spent an hour in the bathroom focusing on skincare.

Shawn and Cory were surprised to see her when she showed up at Cory's house today. She'd done a complete 180 on her post-breakup attitude seemingly overnight.

Sure, she still couldn't focus on more than two sentences at a time before drifting off to the thoughts running in her head but at least she didn't look like a bird's nest anymore.

I'm a mess on the inside– where the mascara can't run, She'd thought to herself proudly.

The three had been studying at the dinner table when Mr. Feeny had come in to give Amy and Alan a set of keys. It was Amy's birthday that coming Sunday and Mr. Feeny thought it would be nice for them to use his cabin in the Poconos for a romantic weekend getaway.

Unfortunately, Alan had already made plans for Amy's birthday and they'd had to decline. But, Mr. Feeny had insisted they keep the keys to use for another time until he finally got around to selling the place.

"Oh, whoops!" Shawn exclaimed as he threw his history book into the backyard, "My History book just slipped. I better go try and find it. Cory, I believe you know the terrain best? And Elena, you're generally the brains in any of our operations."

"Um, yes," Cory nodded slowly, clearly confused, "I know this tundra like my own backyard."

"If Cory knows that 'tundra' so well why do I have to come?" She complained as she stayed seated.

"Because your blood needs to circulate after days of not moving," Cory suggested snappily as he pulled her off her seat.

"Hey," She whined, "When did you get a smart mouth?"

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