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❝I don't want no face fresh Want them wearing leather Begging let me be your taste test I like the sad eyes, bad guys Mouth full of white lies❞

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❝I don't want no face fresh
Want them wearing leather
Begging let me be your taste test
I like the sad eyes, bad guys
Mouth full of white lies❞

Ghost | Halsey

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"Attention seniors," Mr. Feeny's voice rang through the hallway through the intercom, "I would like to make an announcement regarding the senior ski trip. As you all know, an unexpected snowstorm left us, well, snowed in. So, the school has decided to plan a redo trip."

Cheers erupted loudly in the hallway as the seniors clapped and hollered excitedly.

"New permission slips will need to be signed for this trip, your first-period teachers will hand these out to you," He explained, "That is all. Now, get to class," He added sternly, knowing his students well enough to know they were all lounging around instead of getting their books ready.

The ski trip had been a disaster in more ways than one. Sure, the snowstorm had ruined the fun but that hadn't been the worst part. Well, at least not to a certain group of students. When they got to the lodge everyone was ready to hit the slopes immediately. Except for Cory Matthews.

He'd tripped on his way off the bus and sprained his ankle so he couldn't go skiing with everyone else. Not wanting to ruin Topanga's trip, he insisted she still go and have fun without him and promised he would catch up when his ankle was better. But then the storm hit. And he ended up locked in the lodge alone while everyone else was ushered into one of the restaurant buildings near the slopes.

And noticing him alone, a girl approached him to keep him company. Lauren Cardellini. They'd passed the time by working on a puzzle together and at the end of it Lauren had even given him a piece of their puzzle as his 'own piece of the mountain'.

That wasn't so bad, right?

It wasn't. Until a few hours later, the storm had settled enough that the rest of the John Adams High students were able to return to the lodge. And when everyone went to sleep, namely; Elena, Shawn, and most importantly Topanga, Cory had decided to stay up and talk the night away with Lauren instead.

Not the worst thing he could have done, right?

Well, until he made it worse. The next day, the storm had calmed but they still weren't allowed to go skiing so instead, the seniors were going to have a snowball fight by the lodge. And, thankfully, Cory's ankle felt good as new. So then why didn't he join his friends and girlfriend?

Oh, right. Because he lied to Topanga about his ankle still hurting and stayed inside the lodge. Where he once again spent the day with Lauren. Shawn knew what Lauren could do to Cory's relationship with Topanga, she was the Angela to their Shawn and Elena.

So, he did what he felt would have made Elena very proud of him if she didn't currently hate his guts. He sat Cory down and pointed out what he was doing and why it was wrong. Cory assured him nothing was going on but if that had been true then Lauren never would have kissed him later.

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