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❝We might find a place in this world someday but at least for now, I gotta go my own way

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❝We might find a place in this world someday but at least for now, I gotta go my own way.❞

Gabriella Montez

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Shawn was at the Matthews' house sulking while Cory did his chores.

"Okay, Shawn, I just gotta take the trash out, and then I'm done. And you know what we're going to do when I'm done?" Cory asked with a bright smile, hoping Shawn would brighten up a little.

"What's the point?" He asked monotonously, his head leaning on his arms on the dining table sullenly.

Cory sighed, visibly deflating. "You know what? This is on me. I shouldn't have set the bar so high," He patted Shawn's shoulder comfortingly, "We're going out."

Shawn frowned. "No," He whined like he'd said they were going to the moon.

"Come on Shawnie!" Cory's patience obviously wore thin but he quickly reigned it in, "You never want to do anything since you and Elena went to that Van Gogh exhibit."

"That's not true!" He snapped with narrowed eyes, "I wanted to wear my bathrobe and eat peanut clusters all day. I wanted to start never leaving my bed. Don't say that I don't have goals!"

Cory held his hands up and pursed his lips sarcastically. "Uh-huh. Wow, can't believe I ever thought those weren't real goals. Look, as much as I am a fan of taking to the bed when-"

"Taking what?" Shawn asked with furrowed brows.

"Taking to the bed," Cory repeated as if it was common knowledge, "Whenever I used to get depressed, I'd take to the bed. When Topanga and I broke up, I took to the bed for a week."

Shawn gave him a weirded-out look. "Listen, unlike you, Jane Austen, I will never take to the bed."

"You know Jane Austen?" Cory asked, disbelief and pride clear in his voice.

"Elena," Shawn answered simply before he went back to sulking at the mention of her.

Cory sighed, deciding to take out the trash so he could focus on getting Shawn out of the funk he was in. Unfortunately for him, when he pulled the trash bag out of the can, the bag ripped at the bottom and left a mess of garbage on the kitchen floor.

He let out an involuntary gasp when he saw something among the garbage.

"Cor?" Shawn called with furrowed brows when he noticed the shocked look on his face.

"Call Eric," He demanded without explanation, "Now."

Eric was home within 20 minutes after hearing how frantic Cory was.

"Maybe it's a thermometer?" Eric suggested hopefully.

"Thermometer?!" Cory repeated heatedly, "Thermometers have numbers, you bozo! They don't just say 'positive'. This is a pregnancy test," He insisted sternly.

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