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❝Some crushes just never went away

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❝Some crushes just never went away. They built, instead, into something permanent, obsessive and all-consuming.❞

Maya Banks

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"Hormones, the telegraph system of the body. Sometime between the ages of none and sixteen, they will start to tell your body to change; very fast."

"This movie's rated 'H' for hurl," Cory comments and Shawn snickered.

The class was watching a video on puberty but most of them were sleeping through it.

"Mr. Matthews, calm down and watch the film." Mr. Feeny whispered.

"The changes won't all be physical. Sometimes you'll feel like you're on an emotional rollercoaster. For instance, you may occasionally feel aggressive or weepy."

"Shawn," Cory sniffed, "I'm feeling so vulnerable. Do you have a tissue?"

Shawn laughed as Mr. Feeny shushed them again.

"Girls, you'll get your hormonal telegram well ahead of your boy classmates. Be patient while they catch up to you. Eventually, everyone hears the Morse code of puberty."

"I got your telegram right here," Shawn smirked as gave an armpit fart.

"This film is meant to help you understand the metamorphosis your bodies will soon be going through." Mr. Feeny explained as he turned the TV off.

"How?" Cory asked, "That movie's a hundred years old. The telegram boy was played by George Burns."

"I welcome the changes that will transform me from a caterpillar into a butterfly," Topanga said with a soft smile.

"You say butterfly; I say a hairball with wings." Shawn laughed.

"Yeah, and you say, Shawn, I say, idiot," Elena turned to him with a sarcastic smile.

"That's a beautiful outlook, Ms. Lawrence." Mr. Feeny praised as he walked to the front of the class.

"Beautiful?" Cory scoffed, "I've seen hormones turn a normal guy's face into Craters 'R' Us."

"Yes," Mr. Feeny agreed. "There will be side effects, but those, thank goodness, will be the province of your seventh-grade teacher."

"If it happens." Cory corrected.

"Yeah, not everyone grows up Mr. Feeny," Elena laughed when she says the offended look on Cory's face.

Elena turned to the right when she felt someone tap her shoulder, "Yeah?"

A boy was holding out a note for her to pass to his friend but he smiled goofily when his eyes caught hers.

"Um, are you okay?" She asked him when he didn't move.

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