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❝'Cause you know the truth hurts but secrets kill

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❝'Cause you know the truth hurts but secrets kill.❞

Hopeless | Halsey

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"Elena, hey," Cory smiled although his brows were furrowed in confusion, "Not that I'm not happy to see you but what brings you here so late?"

"Shawn cheated on me, and I'm so mad!" She let out an anguished scream, her face going red.

"W-what?!" Cory's eyes widened and his head spun as he tried to make sense of everything.

"Oh, I have to break things! But everything upstairs in my room is too nice!" She screamed.

"You do have a very nice room," Cory nodded, as usual having the attention span of a goldfish, "I must say, you have such an eye for interior design. I mean the colors and the-"

"Run a tab, Cory!" She screamed as she started grabbing things and throwing them to the floor in a flurry of anger and unshed tears, "Aah! I gotta break more things!"

Cory looked around and shrugged when he saw a box of Eric's old school trophies. "Here."

"Oh," She breathed out, finally having stopped screaming, and smiled, "I feel better. I really do. Okay. All right."

Cory nodded slowly as he inched away from her discreetly. "Well, I think we just saw what it would look like if someone cheated on The Incredible Hulk."

"So, how much do I owe you?" She asked as she pulled out her checkbook.

"How about an explanation and we call it even," He arched his brow.

Elena let out a laugh. "Wow. You are really bad at business. But okay."

"You know, for someone who just went all Incredible Hulk in my room and thinks her boyfriend cheated on her, you are surprisingly calm right now," He frowned as he sat down on his bed.

"Because I'm not thinking about my cheating boyfriend," She spit the last two words out like venom, "Because if I think about it I get angry and if I let the anger go away then all I'm left with is sad. And I hate being sad. And I am not going to be sad over a cheater!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay slow down. Now, I'm just going to put this on before I voice out my thoughts," He smiled as he put on a football helmet and secured it tightly, "Okay, now I just want to point out that Shawn would never cheat on you. I mean the guy's waited his entire life for you, you really think he's going to throw that away so easy?"

"My parents were married and had a kid but that didn't stop my mom from cheating."

"Okay, fair point but that is not what's happening here. I know Shawn and so do you for that matter. He's not cheating on you," Cory told her earnestly, "Why'd you even think that?"

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