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❝True love cannot be found where it does not exist, nor can it be denied where it does

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❝True love cannot be found where it does not exist, nor can it be denied where it does.❞

Torquato Tasso

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Elena pursed her lips and crossed her arms in annoyance as she watched her mother. Sofia had forced her to sit outside with her in the garden to 'bond' but so far all Elena had done was watch her mother chain smoke.

"Can you at least pretend you don't hate being here," Sofia huffed and gave her daughter a pointed glare.

"No," Elena answered dryly.

"I don't know why you're acting like this," Sofia scoffed, "I'm all you have left and this is how you're treating me?"

"You have never been something I had," Elena glared at her, "And you're definitely not the only one I have left."

Sofia raised a mocking brow. "Oh, you're talking about your father?" She smiled darkly, "You think he's going to be here for you?"

Before she could make another scathing comment about Theo, Elena cut her off heatedly. "Yes, he is. He's been there for me all my life. He isn't like you, he actually cares about people other than himself!"

Sofia glared at her and pursed her lips before taking a drag of her cigarette to calm down. She couldn't wait to crush that little inkling of hope she had in Theo. "Hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but I'm really all you have."

Elena rolled her eyes and looked away from her mother in annoyance. "Stop lying. Stop trying to get me to believe you're better than dad because we both know you're not."

"Then why am I the one sitting here with you?" She raised a brow with fake innocence, "Why hadn't your father come home? It's been months now."

"Because you won't let him come home!" Elena immediately defended her father.

Sofia scoffed and laughed harshly. "Then why hasn't he come for you, huh? You think your father is so much better than me but which one of us is with you right now? If your father cared so much about you then why hasn't he come for you?"

Elena froze as she stared at her mother in stunned silence, not knowing how to reply. Her head spun as her mother went on and on about the possibility of Theo not really caring about her as much as she'd thought. She gulped dryly as she tried to come up with excuses to answer her mother's scathing questions but she couldn't.

"You're father left, Elena," Sofia spoke loudly but slowly to enunciate her point, "And he left you. Even if I kicked him out, what was stopping him from taking you? Nothing. Nothing except him not being the perfect father you made him out to be in your little head."

"Stop," Elena demanded stiffly as she tugged at her hair anxiously, trying to get her mind to calm down and let her think for a second.

"Why?" Sofia smiled scornfully, "Are you scared because what I'm saying makes sense? Because I'm only telling you the truth."

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