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❝Guess you didn't cheat but you're still a traitor

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❝Guess you didn't cheat but you're still a traitor.❞

Traitor | Olivia Rodrigo

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"Hope is for suckers," Elena said decidedly when Mr. Feeny picked her to answer his question.

"Miss Martinez, you say that like you know it's true," He pointed out.

"Because I do," She smiled confidently.


Elena sighed. "Cory, why is it true?"

"Because Elena said it," He shrugged like it was obvious.

Mr. Feeny's brows furrowed. "And how does that make it true, Mr. Matthews?"

"Because Elena's always right," He said immediately, without a single doubt.

"Good Cory," She smiled and turned in her seat and held out a piece of candy to him.

Mr. Feeny was about to argue with them when the bell rang letting him know he only had five minutes left of class. He decided to continue this discussion in their next class since he had papers to hand out.

"An interesting thing happened when I was grading this assignment, Mr. Hunter, yours wasn't there," He pursed his lips as he passed out the graded assignments.

"Oh, I can explain that," Cory spoke on behalf of his best friend like he always did.

"I was speaking to Mr. Hunter," Mr. Feeny said sternly.

But that didn't stop Cory, nothing ever did. "Well, see... Shawn and I, we think so much alike, that we decided to write one paper," He chuckled, obviously proud of their idea.

Mr. Feeny arched a brow, clearly not amused. "Really?"


"Then you won't mind sharing your grade."

Cory and Shawn shared a look and shook their heads. "No."

"Alright, so what do we get?" Shawn asked with a smile.

"Well, this was a well-thought-out paper," Mr. Feeny mused as he glanced over the essay quickly,  "It deserves a B."

Shawn nodded as if he had any say in Mr. Feeny's grading. "Very fair."

"Divided by two," He continued and ripped the paper right down the middle, handing one half to each of them, "That makes a D for you and a D for you."

"Hey!" Cory complained, clearly upset by the pout on his lips.

Shawn shrugged. "Still fair, still good," He smiled.

"Wouldn't that actually make it an F for him and an F for him?" Elena mused casually, not caring about the glare Cory shot at her, "Y'know since half of a B would be like a 40-something."

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