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❝Love can sometimes be magic

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❝Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes... just be an illusion.❞


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"What happened to you?" Cory's brows furrowed as Shawn limped towards his locker.

"It's the weirdest thing. Last night, I'm sitting at Chubbies, right? I'm looking deep into Paula Balboa's chestnut eyes. I leaned forward, about to make my move when some yahoo hits me in the butt with a dart!" He huffed with a scowl.

Cory stiffened as he remembered being at Chubbies last night with Topanga and trying to impress her with the dartboard. Except he'd gotten distracted by how beautiful she looked and he'd completely missed the board and heard a loud yelp.

He laughed nervously as he stuttered out. "You, uh, you didn't see who it was?"

"No," Shawn shook his head with a sigh.

Cory nodded with a quiet sigh of relief. "A lot of sick people out there, man."

"So, how was your night with the lovely Topanga?" Shawn decided to change the subject as he smirked at his best friend.

"It was good. Good..." He trailed off with pursed lips, "90 percent good."

"And the other 20 percent?" Shawn raised a brow earnestly, not seeing his mistake.

"Well, I... I may have kinda gotten caught up in the moment and said some things that maybe I shouldn't have said," Cory explained slowly as he thought back to everything that had happened.

Shawn's eyes widened as he turned to look Cory in the eye. "Cor, did you get emotional with Topanga?"

"It was hard not to," He defended immediately before he smiled dreamily, "I mean, she looked so beautiful."

"You didn't tell her that, did you?" Shawn asked urgently as he grabbed Cory's shirt tightly.

"N-no! Say she's beautiful?" He scoffed coolly, "Yeah. Like I'd say that, Shawn. I said, 'I love you'."

At that, Shawn gasped as though he'd gotten the breath knocked out of him.

"What? What, what, what?" Cory yelped in worry as his brows furrowed.

"You idiot!" Shawn exclaimed with a heated glare, "Once word gets around what you told Topanga, every girl's gonna wanna hear it."

"What?" Cory frowned in confusion, "'I love you'?"

Shawn jumped on him to cover his mouth as he looked around frantically. "You're like a stinking canary!"

Before either of them could say anything else Elena came bounding down the hallway.

"Lena, are you okay?" Cory immediately asked as he pulled her to stop with worried eyes, "You're running, does that mean the school is burning down? Oh, my God, we're all going to die! Run, Lena, run! You're the best of us!"

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