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❝When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers 'tis near Halloween

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❝When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers 'tis near Halloween.❞


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Elena was waiting at her house for Shawn, so the two could meet up with Topanga to go trick or treating. They were supposed to meets at Cory's house but he called telling the two girls he couldn't go with them.

Elena really wished they were meeting at Cory's house because that meant she could get out of the house faster. While her talk with her father helped them cool down a little -her constantly getting into trouble over the summer was also a big help- her parents were back to fighting like there was no tomorrow.

She smiled when she heard the doorbell ring and raced down the stairs, her mother had already opened the door and was now hugging Shawn.

Theo smiled as he shook hands with Shawn, "Shawn, I trust I don't have to remind you to take care of my daughter."

Shawn smiled proudly, "No sir, you have nothing to worry about."

"Trust him, daddy, he's probably more protective than you are," Elena joked with a smile as she walked over to the two.

Theo gave Shawn a proud look, "And you don't want to marry him," He huffed disappointedly at his daughter.

"Don't worry sir, I'm not giving up on her any time soon," Shawn reassured him.

"That's my future son-in-law," Theo smiled, patting Shawn on the back happily.

"Goodbye Daddy," Elena sang, rolling her eyes as she pulled at Shawn's arm.

"Wait a minute, we haven't taken a photo of you two yet!" Sofía called as she rushed into the living room with a camera.

The two looked over at each other before laughing, this happened every year.

Shawn threw his arm around Elena's shoulders and the two smiled at the camera as Sofía took several photos.

"Okay, I think you have enough photos to fill a photo album," Elena pointed out as she and Shawn rubbed their eyes from the camera's flash.

"Bye mom, bye daddy!" Elena called as she and Shawn made their way to the front door.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Martinez!" Shawn called.

"Please Shawn, just call us mom and dad. Better start getting used to it early," Theo laughed at the glare his daughter sent him.

"You're not funny, daddy."

"I wasn't joking, mijha," Theo smirked.

"On the contrary sir- dad, I think you're hilarious."

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