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❝Their lips brushed like young wildflowers in the wind❞

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❝Their lips brushed like young wildflowers in the wind❞

F. Scott Fitzgerald

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"Now, guys, be careful tonight," Amy begged Cory and Elena as she shrugged on her coat, "Y'know, New Year's Eve brings out all the crazies."

Just as she said that their front door flew open.

"C'mon everybody!" Shawn called loudly, "Let's get crazy!"

After their almost kiss from the other day, the two hadn't brought it up at all. Instead opting to act as if nothing had even happened but they were a lot more affectionate than usual.

Cory smiled at his mother's worried look. "He's on my side. Plus, we got her."

"She's the only reason I'm letting you go," Amy agreed as she wrapped an arm around Elena.

"Don't worry, they won't die," Elena reassured her before she shrugged, "Unless I kill them."

"We'll visit you in prison every day, honey," Alan promised her with a warm laugh.

"You'd visit your son's killer?" Cory asked in betrayal.

"We'd thank her too," Eric added with a laugh as he handed his tie to Elena.

"When are you going to learn how to do this yourself?" She sighed as she wrapped it under his shirt collar and began to tie it for him.

"Never," He shook his head with a grin, "I have you to do it for me."

"Guys, Uncle Laszlo, and our limousine await," Shawn clapped his hands excitedly.

Everyone crowded at the door to get a look at the limousine.

Amy tilted her head to the side. "Why does that limo look so strange?"

"Maybe because it's a hearse," Alan sighed heavily in disdain.

"This seems so fitting," Elena mused, "Guess I really am going to kill you two tonight."

"Trust me, it's a limousine," Shawn insisted.

Just as he said that the 'limo' horn played the death march.

"Limousine, huh," Elena raised a brow dryly.

"Yeah, it's short for limo," Shawn nodded, clearly not sensing the sarcasm behind her words.

"...That's cool," Cory tried to make light of the situation.

"Yeah. Wait till you see what's in the back seat." Shawn grinned giddily.

"It better not be a dead guy," Elena sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "Or you're going to be joining him."

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