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❝I hate that because of you, I can't love you, babe

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❝I hate that because of you, I can't love you, babe. What a shame, didn't want to be the one that got away. How could you do this, babe? ❞

Taylor Swift | Babe

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"I liked him," Elena sighed with a frown as she joined Cory and Topanga at their booth,

The couple had just been watching her break up with her latest guyfriend, which was what they called the boys she dated but weren't serious enough to be called her boyfriend.

"Well, then why did you break up with him?" Topanga scoffed incredulously.

"As they say in Cuba, dos semanas," Elena shrugged with an easy-going smile.

Topanga rolled her eyes. "Elena, you guys were really getting along! You know, your two-week rule is dumb," She hated what her breakup with Shawn was doing to her.

"No, no, no. Her one-week rule was dumb. Her two-week rule shows growth," Cory defended.

Topanga glared at her boyfriend, he clearly wasn't helping her make her case. "Elena, just face it. You're afraid to make a commitment."

"I know, it's pretty obvious," Elena chuckled, wondering why Topanga was saying that as though it were new, shocking information, "But that's now why I have the two-week rule. See, I have a plan. From now on, I'm not loving anybody I'm not legally required to."

"You're afraid to get to know someone. You're afraid of letting someone get to know you. And unless you get over this, you're going to go through life all alone. Except for Cory, who will bring you magazines and pudding," She ranted and took a deep breath before turning to Cory with a proud smile, "There. I think I got through to her."

Her face dropped when she turned back to Elena only to see her gone. Instead, she was making out with some random boy sitting two tables down from them.

"Sure, you did, honey," Cory said slowly, "And now she wants to hear what he has to say."

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"I can't believe Shawn," Topanga was currently in the Matthews' kitchen ranting to Cory.

"Now, sweetheart-"

Cory was cut off by Topanga continuing on as though she hadn't even heard him. "I mean, I feel so bad for Elena-"

She herself was cut off by the backdoor of the kitchen opening and Elena herself strutting in. "Okay, get dressed. We're going out. But it doesn't really matter what you wear, because everyone's gonna be looking at me," She smirked before she paused, "But don't wear that."

"Whoa, Elena. After everything you've been through with Shawn, you come here and insult me?" Topanga scoffed before she smiled brightly, "You're all better!" She exclaimed happily.

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