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❝Stop dreaming about your bucket list and start living it

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❝Stop dreaming about your bucket list and start living it.❞

Annette White

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Zay sighed loudly for the umpteenth time that evening, trying to get any reaction at all from his friends. They were hanging out at Topanga's as usual working on their homework. And everyone was ignoring his sighs, which were only getting louder by the second.

"All right, I'll bite," Maya snapped her textbook shut and turned to the boy, "What is it, cowboy sidekick?"

"I'm not a cowboy!" Lucas huffed, wondering how she could make a jab at him when he wasn't even part of the conversation.

But he guessed that was one of the reasons he liked her so much. 

She'd been looking for any reason to stop studying but she wanted to annoy Zay just a little bit more.

"Remember how, last week, my computer crashed? Well, Elena gave me a brand-new one," He explained with an excited smile as he motioned to the laptop balanced on his knees.

Farkle's brows furrowed as he glanced at the obviously old Macbook. "It doesn't look new."

"Well, that's because it's not," Zay shrugged nonchalantly, "Now, if I only knew the password."

Maya pursed her lips as she wondered how he'd made it to high school. She plucked the bright pink sticky note from the corner of the laptop. "Uh, maybe it's this? Password; January 16."

The blonde smiled to herself as she clutched the note gleefully. Elena's password was Maya's birthday. When small things like this happened it always made her think that maybe she was wrong about hope being for suckers.

Zay quickly typed it in and turned to her in awe. "It worked! With our brainpower, what can't we do?"

Maya rolled her eyes before she leaned in to look at the desktop. "Hey, what's this file?"

"Do not open," Zay read the file name out loud.

Maya's eyes glinted with excitement. "Hey, let's open that," She demanded with a grin.

"No. If you don't want someone to open something, you write, do not open'," Riley explained with a chuckle, thinking Maya just simply didn't know that.

She always did think the best of everyone and everything.

Maya, of course, didn't listen and grabbed the laptop from Zay and clicked the file open. "Oops, too late," She sang with an obviously fake frown.

"Ooh, it's a bucket list," Riley exclaimed, completely ditching her previous thoughts on privacy.

Maya clicked her tongue in disappointment. "Aw, man, I wanted it to be something good. Like a criminal record or a secret diary."

"No, these are all the things that Elena still wants to do," Lucas explained as he glanced over the list, "Run a 5K, learn Mandarin, stop swearing."

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