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❝Life's a fragile thing, Har

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❝Life's a fragile thing, Har. One minute you're chewin' on a burger, the next minute you're dead meat,❞

Jim Carry│Dumb and Dumber

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"Stacy, Linda. Linda, Stacy." Shawn sighed as he set his lunch tray down, "I've never been more depressed in my whole life."

"I know," Cory rolled his eyes, "Two beautiful girls both want you, you poor guy. There's gotta be a hotline you can call. Of course, with your luck, a hot girl would pick up and would want you."

"If I reject Linda, she'll get upset." Shawn frowned, "And there is no way I would ever want to see a pout on those beautiful full lips."

He sighed and looked around the cafeteria.

Shawn sighed dreamily. "Actually, it looks pretty good."

"Where do you see that?" Cory looked around confused before scoffing, "Ew. That's my best friend y'know!"

So Shawn wasn't imagining Linda pouting but drooling over Elena Martinez, who was actually pouting.

She was standing in the lunch line with a pout when she realized that there was no more chocolate milk.

Shawn had all but forgotten about his current 'problem' as he stared at Elena but was soon brought out of his daydream by River Jones. Shawn was now awake and frowning.

"Here, you can have mine Hermosa."

Elena smiled at the boy as she took the carton of milk before the two made their way to Shawn and Cory.

"But what if I reject Stacy and she flips out and gets a sex change operation and comes back as a really angry man who's seeking her revenge."

"Did you hit your head this morning sweetie?" Elena tilted Shawn's head from side to side, looking for a bump.

"Hey, I've seen it happen." Shawn defended himself.

Cory huffed. "Shawn, just choose."

"I can't!" Shawn took an angry sip from Elena's chocolate milk.

She was too busy yawning to notice.

"Hey!" Elena glared and yanked it away from him when she opened her eyes.

Cory ignored the two. "Yes, you can. You did it at lunch."

"When?" Shawn furrowed his eyebrows.

"When you picked meatloaf over chicken." Cory pointed to his lunch tray, "How did you do that?"

"Well, I couldn't decide, and then I saw that you were getting chicken so I figured that if I changed my mind, I could have some of yours," Shawn explained before he gasped.

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