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❝And for once, you let goOf your fears and your ghosts❞

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❝And for once, you let go
Of your fears and your ghosts❞

You Are in Love | Taylor Swift

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Shawn and Elena were moving in together and no one could be happier than Cory.

"...I'm having a dinner party tomorrow night to celebrate. And also because my abuelita has 15 pounds of beef that's about to go bad," Elena explained.

"Shawnie, if you need any help with the move, might I offer my services?" Cory offered excitedly before smirking proudly, "My trainer Skylar says I'm getting ripped."

Elena laughed and scoffed. "Yeah, ripped off by Skylar."

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"You know we have a front door, right," Topanga chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"I like to call this the Elena door," Elena smiled as she climbed into the Matthews' apartment through the fire escape.

"What are you doing down here? Aren't you supposed to be helping Shawn move in?"

The two paused and shared a look before they burst out laughing.

"Me? Help?" Elena scoffed, "Yeah, right!"

"I know!" Topanga wheezed, "I couldn't even keep a straight face."

"You told me you had it!"

"I said I didn't have it!" They heard arguing coming from the hallway.

"It's Shawn and Cory moving in," Elena explained with a chuckle as she sprawled out on the couch, "Man, moving is hard."

"You aren't doing any of the moving," Topanga reminded her as she shoved her feet off the coffee table.

"Yes, I am," She argued, "I'm supervising. And I'm supervising two idiots which is double the work."

Soon, there was a pounding on the apartment door. "Open the door, Elena. I'm about to kill Cory, and I know you're gonna want to see that."

"He's right," Elena grinned and threw the door open.

She paused as she took in Cory's outfit, short shorts, a tank top, and a yellow headband. And he was leaning against the wall, panting like he'd run a marathon as he held a small box.

"Cute outfit, Cory," She said sarcastically, "Like one of those male strippers from No Thunder From Down Under."

Cory would have attempted a comeback if he wasn't too busy coughing up his lung. "This is so heavy. Shawn, what do you have in here?" He wheezed as if the box weighed a tonne. 

"Pictures!" Shawn scoffed, "Really, Cory, it's like your arms are only there for decoration."

Topanga's brows furrowed as she stepped out into the hallway and saw it overflowing with Shawn's boxes. "Shawn, what is all your junk doing out here?" She frowned. 

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