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❝My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me

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❝My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.❞

Henry Ford

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Jonathan swung the door open and furrowed his brows when he saw an annoyed Elena and Cory holding a video camera.

"Jon, tell the little chia pet that if he doesn't quit filming me he'll be able to turn that thing off by pressing his naval," She huffed darkly as she shot Cory a glare before stepping inside the apartment.

"Oh yeah, like you're going to shove it down my throat," Cory scoffed with a laugh as he kept the video camera up and rolling.

She narrowed her eyes and gave him a sickly sweet smile. "Guess again."

"Matthews, what's with the camera?" Jonathan asked as he gently pushed Elena behind him and away from Cory.

"Well, Mr. Williams says a good newsman's always gotta have his camera ready," He explained, "You don't mind if I keep on shooting, do you?"

"No, go ahead," Jonathan shrugged.

"All right," Cory smiled before his face fell when his teacher slammed the door shut, "Hey!"

"If you stay real quiet he'll give up and leave after two hours," Elena suggested as she threw herself onto the couch.

"Turn that thing off, I'll let you back in," Jonathan called when Cory kept knocking.

"Oh, come on, what are you hiding?"

At that, Jonathan opened the door. "My disdain for you."

Cory rolled his eyes and walked into the apartment, perking up when he saw his best friend walking down the stairs. "Shawn, Shawn!"

"On the phone, Cor," He called with a soft smile.

"Chet?" Elena asked Jonathan and smiled when he nodded.

She was glad Chet was finally calling his son. Shawn had been down the last few weeks because he hadn't heard from his father in so long.

"Dad, how are you gonna celebrate your birthday? Oh, that's great," He turned to his friends with a knowing look, "He's going to the dog track with President Clinton. So, are you coming home soon? Yeah, I understand. Well, I really miss you."

"Where's Shawn's dad calling from?" Cory asked in a hushed whisper.

"Well, he said aboard Air Force One but I kinda have my doubts," Jonathan sighed, "I heard people yelling in Spanish."

I'm glad to hear you're doing so well. What? Oh, you gotta go? Oh, the president needs the phone. Yeltsin's on call waiting. Okay, well, I can't wait to-" Shawn frowned when he heard the line go dead, "Hello? Didn't even get a chance to sing him Happy Birthday."

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