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❝Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you

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❝Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.❞

Misty Copeland

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A good hair day made people glance in awe. A bad hair day made people stare and snicker. A blue hair day? Well, Elena found that blue hair made people's jaws drop. Whether that was good or bad had yet to be seen. Harley had made sure to shut down any comments about Elena's hair before they could even take in her electric blue hair. When he'd first seen her he paused, picked up a lock of her hair curiously, before he complimented her on the bold look.

Eric, much like Shawn, also couldn't get over Elena's newly dyed hair. He thought it was the coolest thing he'd seen since he discovered girls back in kindergarten. In fact, all he'd done upon first seeing her was stare at her in awe.

When Happy picked her up from the salon that day, all he did was laugh. The entire way home. At home, Theo's jaw dropped in shock at the sight of her. Before he too burst out laughing, knowing the blue hair had to be the result of some barely believable accident by Shawn or Cory or both. And Lydia, well she screamed. And screamed and screamed. She couldn't believe what had happened to her granddaughter's beautiful brunette locks and begged Cuba for forgiveness.

Elena actually found herself happy with the color. Actually, she loved the color. She spent the night of the hair salon mishap glued to her vanity table as she stared at her hair in the mirror.

But Cory didn't know that.

And as such, he was still groveling for forgiveness. He was the only person who had no idea that she actually loved the blue dye. Elena made sure no one told him because she was enjoying seeing him go out of his mind as he tried to get her to forgive him. She didn't care how mean it made her sound, to her, this was payback for the early white hairs she knew she was going to get because of him.

In fact, groveling for forgiveness was what he was currently in the middle of.

"Please, please, please, please, forgive me," He begged as he joined Elena in the cafeteria.

"Do you hear anything, Toppy?" Elena mused as she looked around exaggeratedly, clearly pretending like Cory wasn't there.

"Please stop ignoring me," He begged as he rummaged in his pocket and slid a $20 bill across the table to sweeten the deal.

Elena stared at the bill in fake shock. "Hey look, $20! Wonder how that got there?"

Cory stared at her in shock before he narrowed his eyes and straightened up in his seat. He was going to go for a different tactic and he had a feeling this one would work.

He crossed his arms. "Fine, don't talk to me. I'm ignoring you."

Elena didn't even bat an eyelash as she checked her makeup with her compact mirror.

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