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❝Don't allow your mind to tell your heart what to do

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❝Don't allow your mind to tell your heart what to do. The mind gives up easily❞

Paulo Coelho

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"So this is our new relationship?" Elena breathed out awkwardly.

Elena and Shawn were on a date. The official beginning of 'Shalena' as Cory had excitedly put it. Unfortunately, it was not working out anywhere near as well as anyone had hoped. The best friends, who could talk for hours together, found themselves tongue-tied as they sat next to each other at Chubbies.

The most they'd spoken so far was when they'd ordered their milkshakes at the very beginning of their date. Vanilla for Elena and strawberry for Shawn.

"Yeah," Shawn nodded slowly as he wrung his hands out nervously, "How's it going so far?"

"Weird, man!" Cory huffed from the table across them.

He couldn't believe how awkward and weird they were being around each other. This was not how he'd envisioned the Shalena ship setting sail.

"You don't have to watch," Elena sighed with a frown, clearly embarrassed.

"I can't look away!" Cory scoffed heatedly.

"How's it goin'?" River asked quietly as he joined Cory with a plate of fries.

"Look at 'em!" He huffed exasperatedly as he pointed to them with a disappointed shake of his head, "You think they really like each other?"

"I do," River nodded before thoughtfully adding, "But I think they liked each other better when she was yelling at him all the time."

"So... what are you thinkin'?" Shawn managed to ask semi-calmly.

Shawn Hunter was a ladies man through and through. He could sweet talk just about any girl, charm her with just a simple wink. But Elena Martinez was a whole different story. He could barely spit out a half-coherent sentence right now. He'd never been so nervous in his life.

His palms were sweaty, his hair was a mess from nervously running his hands through it so much, and his mouth felt like sandpaper. He couldn't believe himself. He'd been dreaming of this day pretty much since he'd met Elena and now that it was finally here, he was a mess.

"Oh, now?" Elena laughed breathily, "Oh, it's so funny you mention that. Actually, right now, in this exact moment, what I was thinking, what was running through my head was actually," She dropped the saccharine-sweet tone and snapped, "If you don't start talking to me, I'm gonna pour this milkshake right over your head. So, why don't you give me the best you got?"

Shawn breathed out heavily as he ran a shaky hand through his hair, his mind going a mile a minute to try and think of anything to say to her. When he couldn't come up with anything, he resorted to his signature smirk. "Have I ever told you about the time I rescued a piglet from a slaughterhouse?"

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