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❝Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you

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❝Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.❞

Misty Copeland

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Elena was tucked under River's arm, his other arm had her school bag slung over it as they trailed over to Cory.

"Guys, guys, guys," Shawn rushed over to them with a wide grin, "Do you remember that goldfish I used to have?"

"The turtle?" Elena corrected him with an unimpressed look.

"You are so smart," He sighed dreamily before shaking his head, having to remind herself that he couldn't do stuff like that anymore. She had a boyfriend now and it wasn't him, no matter how bad he wished it was.

"Not so much smart as not willingly getting hit in the head over and over as a form of entertainment," She scoffed with a teasing smile.

"Hey, don't forget who gave us the idea for 'bubble wrap boing'," Cory gave her a pointed look.

Years ago, when Elena had had enough of watching them play basketball she'd come up with a new game for them to play. She of course wasn't going to be playing but she figured if she was standing on the sidelines either way at least she'd get some entertainment out of it.

And that's how 'Bubble Wrap Boing' was invented.

She wrapped both their heads in enough bubble wrap that they almost felt their skull start to cave in. After that, it was free reign. They'd hit each other with anything and everything ranging from baseball bats to candles. Elena even got to participate in a lot of the hitting aspect of the game.

Elena, unsurprisingly, had to draw the line at bowling balls. Although it did take a lot of self-restraint on her part, she really wanted to see what would have happened. She still referred to that day as a horribly missed opportunity.

"I didn't force you, idiots, to play the game. You were missing brain cells way before I ever introduced you to Bubble Wrap Boing, otherwise, you wouldn't have agreed to it in the first place," She pointed out with an eye roll, "Back to the turtle fish."

"Yeah. Well, I finally replaced him. Here, boy," Shawn called before a small pig came trailing over to them, "What do you think?"

"That's a pig," Elena commented dryly before pointing to her shoes, "These are Chanel. If he comes anywhere near the Chanel, he's going to be bacon."

"Hey, hey, hey," Shawn glared at her as he covered the pig's ears, "We don't use the B-word around Little Lena."

"You did not name a pig after me," She gasped.

"Yeah, I did," He nodded with a grin.

"No. I mean you are not naming a pig after me," She corrected with a huff.

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