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❝Just being there for someone can bring hope when all seems hopeless❞

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❝Just being there for someone can bring hope when all seems hopeless❞

Dave G. Llewelyn

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"So, you going to tell me why Cory is now down a very important student?" Elena asked as she sat down next to Maya on the subway.

Maya's eyes widened as she stared up at the woman, "How'd you know which subway I would take?"

Elena shrugged with a smirk, "Didn't Cory tell you? It's one of my superpowers."

Maya laughed and relaxed into her seat, thinking Elena had forgotten her previous question and the two could just hang out as usual.

"I'm still waiting for an answer, Cariño,"

"I," Maya paused before sighing, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay," Elena nodded her head, "We can talk about it when you're ready but you need to know that one bad grade, isn't the end of the world."

Maya's smile fell immediately, "He told you?!"

Elena sighed and gave Maya a knowing smile, "Cory tells me everything, especially when it concerns you."

Maya opened and closed her mouth, at a loss for words.

"Bug-" Elena began but she was cut off almost immediately.

"No, just stop!" I said I don't want to talk about it, especially not with you!"

Elena looked at the blonde in shock, "Maya, you can talk to me about anything, you know that."

"Just leave me alone! I didn't ask you to be here, I don't want you to be here!"

Elena cleared her throat and nodded her head solemnly, "If that's what you want, okay."

Elena stood up as the subway began to pull to a stop and turned to look back at Maya.

Sighing when she saw that Maya had now turned her back to her, she made her way to the doors just as they opened.

Stepping off the subway, she pulled her phone out.

Make sure Maya's okay, please
[ READ 4:01 PM ]

Once she texted Riley, she called Cory as she made her way out of the subway station.

"How'd it go?" He asked immediately.

"I think I just made it a lot worse," Elena sighed.

"I doubt that you're like her favorite person ever. You might beat Riley, too!" Cory scoffed.

"Cor, she said she didn't want to talk to me or see me for that matter."

Cory paused before sighing, "She was just overwhelmed, she didn't mean it."

"I hope you're right Cor,"

"I'm always right," Cory said proudly.

The smile on his face soon fell when he heard Elena burst into laughter.

"I knew calling you would make me feel better, thanks Cor."

"I wasn't joking."

"Awe sweetie, that just makes it funnier."

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Come over, now
[ READ 4:47 PM ]

Aunt Elena💕💖💞
Give me ten minutes
[ READ 4:47 PM ]

Elena rushed over to the Matthews' apartment after reading Riley's text.

Cory opened the door and hugged her tightly before pointing in the direction of Riley's room.

Knocking on the door, Elena cracked it open and poked her head in.

"Can I come in?"

Elena didn't have time to take a step towards the bay window before Maya was barreling towards her.

Smiling Elena wrapped her arms around the girl and kissed the top of her head.

Topanga and Riley smiled at the two before making their way around the two, towards the door to give them some privacy.

Elena smiled gratefully at the two but she knew they, along with Cory would have their ears pressed against the door.

Maya sniffled before tightening her arms around Elena, "I'm sorry."

Elena kissed the top of her head, "It's okay bug."

"No, it's not okay," Maya pushed herself out of Elena's arms to look at her, "All you do is worry about me and try to help me and all I do is ruin everything!"

Elena grabbed Maya by the shoulders and looked her straight in the eye, "Hey, you don't, have never, and will never ruin anything, okay? You make everything better and a whole lot funnier."

Elena wiped a tear that fell down Maya's cheek and pulled her in for a tight hug before leading her to the bay window.

"Okay, I need you to tell me what's really going on so I can help bug."

Maya sighed as she leaned her head against Elena's shoulder, "Mr. Matthews failed me."

"I need more detail than that Mi vida."

"I don't want to fail because I don't want you or Mr. Matthews to think I'm not worth helping anymore."

Maya took a shaky breath before turning to face Elena, "Please don't think I'm not worth it, please don't give up on me and leave."

Elena's eyes widened and she pulled Maya in for a tight hug, kissing the top of her head repeatedly, "Never."

"I will never think you're not worth it no matter what happens and I am never leaving either."

Rocking the young girl to calm her down, Elena smiled down at her, "You will always be worth it to me, Riley, Cory, and a lot of other people too. I promise."

The two stayed like that for a while and when Elena was sure Maya had calmed down, she discreetly pulled out her phone.

Your turn Cor
[ READ 5:39 PM ]

Boss Lady
You did great, Lena
[ READ 5:40 PM ]

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I've decided to do a snippet of a Girl Meets World episode every five chapters, so I hope you guys like this chapter and every other one as well. Also, I've started translating Elena's Spanish comments in the comment section to make it easier to understand.

Thank you so much for all the comments and votes, it really means a lot; I'm glad you're all liking Capsize. Please leave any suggestions you have or things you want to see more of in the comment section ♥♥

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